create space to play
frolic putter and ponder
fuel spirit and soul
What are your hobbies?
What do you do in your life that is just for you?
What activity do you engage in that allows you to putter and play?
What do you do that is purely for pleasure and enjoyment?
Not something you monetize or mine for content or inspiration. Not a well from which you draw prospects or income.
What activities do you pursue purely because they fill your soul, not your pipeline or your bank account?
In a culture that promotes the side hustle, where “lifestyle bloggers” and “influencers” are actual things, every hobby can become a monetization or branding opportunity.
You love to bake. You shared some photos. Suddenly you’re taking orders. Now you have a baking business.
What do you do in your life that is just for you? Just for you to relax and putter and play.
I realized that I stopped valuing my hobbies for their own sake, and instead made them yet another thing to leverage for content, insight, and income. Then my hobbies stopped filling me.
When we turn our hobbies into side hustles we lose the regenerative and restorative value of them. Instead they become drains.
Doing something just because it brings you joy is essential for a well-rounded life. Sometimes the highest value of an activity is the joy it brings you to do it, because that joy spreads to the world.
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