new moon in Cancer
invites radical self-care
nourish your dream seeds
New moons are auspicious times for beginning new things, and tonight’s new moon in Cancer is one of the most potent new moons of the year.
First, it’s the first new moon after the summer solstice. As such, it’s like the top of a new inning , or the start of the second half of a game after intermission. This is where we get to hit the reset button.
Second, the moon rules Cancer. This zodiac sign is the moon’s home — the place where it has access to all of its powers and potency. If you like planning by the moon cycles, it is best to take advantage of planning for when you can have every possible advantage.
This is a good time to set intentions and goals for the next 6 months — from now through the December solstice or the full moon in Cancer.
- What do you want to cultivate over the next 6 months?
- What dream seeds do you want to plant?
Cancer is a sign about care, nurturing, and connections.
Whatever dreams we have can be brought into form only if we take care of ourselves, nurture our needs, and stay connected. These are the pillars that form the foundation on which everything else is built.
Without a foundation of self-care we cannot nurture anything else into being.
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