proclaim your domain
celebrate your expertise
own your mastery
More often than not, I feel like I’m failing at adulting. The most simple and mundane tasks can send me into overwhelm and anxiety. I often feel scattered and a step behind everyone else.
Then, suddenly, chaos erupts. There’s a death. An uprooting. Destruction. Disruption. Grief and pain. Uncertainty. Limbo.
In those situations. I get excited. I come alive. And I thrive. I am dialed in, decisive, and deliberate. I hold space for all the emotions that arise, navigate all the egos, and bring a sense of calm to the storm.
My inner critics disappear, and the self-doubts disintegrate.
Perhaps this is why I tend to attract people who are navigating transitions or going through a high-stakes disruption.
There’s nobody better in a crisis.
This is the paradox of my ADHD life. I used to feel like I was incongruent for being so together in some realms and such a mess in others. But I’ve come to realize that nobody is dialed-in everywhere, all the time.
Each of us has areas where we shine, a kingdom that we rule, a domain that we master. We each have spaces of sovereignty within our lives.
And for the benefit of ourselves and the world, we need to own them.
Welcome to Week 7 of the 7-week process counting of the Omer, the period of time between the holidays of Passover and Shavuot.
In the Kabbalah tradition, this 7-week period is marked as a time for a personal development, by attuning to each of the 7 lower sephirot on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life framework.
So far, we have refined the following attributes:
- Chesed: loving-kindness and presence
- Gevurah: restraint, boundaries, and structure that creates space
- Tiferet: harmony and balance
- Netzach: sustainable endurance
- Hod: humility, gratitude, and surrender
- Yesod: foundation, connection, bonding, integrity, embodiment
This has led us to the final sphere, the sephirah of Malchut.
Malchut literally translates to “kingdom.” But like the other sephirot, it means so much more.
Malchut speaks to themes of sovereignty, mastery and leadership.
This is the realm of rooting — it is the sphere at the bottom of the tree.
Malchut is the divine feminine; it receives all the essential qualities from the sephirot above it, and births them into form.
On an outer level, Malchut can speak to general places in your life where you shine and also to specific areas of your responsibility, such as a project, a team, or a company.
On an inner level, Malchut speaks to your sovereignty and agency; the ability to hear and listen to your inner wisdom.
This is the point of this hero (or heroine)’s journey: to recognize that you have had the power all along; that you are your own guru.
Recognizing and claiming the areas where you shine is a part of that process.
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