at the week’s ending
celebrate what you have done
let it be enough
For every box on your to-do list that you check off, more get added.
The work is never finished. At the end of the day or the week there will always be things you didn’t get to, or more things you could have done.
Even if you excel at selecting your top three things and checking them off each day, you know there is more waiting for you.
There’s always more.
There comes a time in every day and every week where we need to be our own exam proctors and say:
“That’s it. Pencils down. Work time is over.”
Focusing on the “more” — on the tasks you didn’t get to yet, on the things you could have done, on what got left unsaid or unwritten — is a recipe for feeling inadequate.
Instead, focus on what you did, no matter how small. Celebrate yourself for what you completed, or started, or made progress on.
Let it be enough.
Allow yourself to rest in all that you’ve done. The smallest amounts are bigger than you think.
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