Are you feeling lost?
According to Nevine Michaan, the founder of Katonah Yoga, to get to any destination, you must know 3 things:
- where you are
- where you want to be
- how to read a map
Determining how to get there is fairly easy because there’s always a way, and there’s not just one way.
You also need a vehicle for travel. And once you’re traveling you must know how to navigate terrain.
But to start, you need to know these 3 things.
This sounds pretty simplistic and obvious when you say it out loud.
Step back and consider it for a while, and you might soon realize that many people — maybe even including you — are missing at least one of these.
You might think you know where you are, but it’s often hard to tell from inside yourself. We need the perspective of people outside of us to help us orient. It’s important to choose the people who can see the bigger picture landscape so you can orient correctly.
And when was the last time you checked in on where you want to go? Sometimes our target destination changes and we fail to update our plans and systems of the change.
In today’s world of GPS, map reading skills seem less urgent. But even the best GPS system can’t take you where you want to go unless you tell it where that is, and it can locate where you are.
And if you’re traveling somewhere off the grid, you’d better know how to read a map.
This is all very literal to travel, and of course it’s also a metaphor.
If you’re feeling lost, consider which of the three piece you’re missing.
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