What if the desire to contribute and make an impact is what’s getting in your way?
Having a passion and purpose, or desiring to have one, is a noble construct for life. Many of us want to create lives of meaning, to find and fulfill our “life purpose,” and make an impact in this world.
We want to leave a legacy.
And in pursuit of these noble goals, we seek to optimize our productivity. How can we write, create, produce, and ship even more?
There may have been a time when those goals mattered. But I wonder if they still do.
Everything, when taken to the extreme, no longer works.
One question I’m asking myself lately is when does the virtue turn into a vice?
There have been times that I’ve been so wrapped up in my head about writing my next blog post that I wasn’t present to the moment. Is that how I want my life to be?
Do I want to go through life looking at everything as potential content for my next blog post?
Increasingly I find that “shipping” can be a form of resistance — escape from life itself.
In my preoccupation with shipping I might miss the core experiences of life.
On the other side of this, nobody needs more information. We live in a world of too much information. You couldn’t read all the books and blog posts you wanted to, even if you did nothing else.
An insight that has come to me before has returned with increasing frequency lately:
Ultimate productivity is not in what you create or ship, or even how much. It is in how you show up.
your purpose in life
be present to each moment
show up with great joy
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