Many people feel they can’t afford to take the time for themselves. This is especially true for coaches, doctors, nurses, parents, teachers, and all forms of healers, whether you identify as a “healer” or not.
There’s a common refrain from many healers when it comes to taking time for their own healing:
It’s selfish. There’s too much to do. People need me.
Yes. They do.
How well do you serve the people who need you when you’re sick, or injured, or suffering from burnout?
And whose going to serve them when you’re dead?
That may sound extreme, but if you don’t have time to take care of yourself on a daily basis to keep yourself healthy, how long will it be before you are incapacitated, or worse?
What will that cost your business? How will that impact your family? Who will provide healing to those who need it when you’re unable to do it?
In addition to holding space for clients, students, and patients, many healers are empaths, highly attuned to the energy surrounding them.
If we don’t take care of ourselves by clearing the energy residue and recharging, we are susceptible to compassion fatigue and eventually burnout.
All the compassion you offer to others is ultimately meaningless if you can’t give it to yourself too. The care you seek to extend to the world must begin with yourself.
This is not “selfish” — it’s the foundation of your service.
The Kabbalah: Tiferet of Tiferet
In the teachings of the Kabbalah, the quality of Tiferet, translates to beauty, compassion, and balance. It is the balance between loving kindness and discipline, the giving and receiving, masculine and feminine, yang and yin. It includes the attribute of mercy. In the body, it maps to the heart space.
As we refine the qualities of Tiferet within ourselves, the fractal quality Tiferet of Tiferet, compassionate compassion, calls us to find balance in our body, thoughts, and emotions.
Practicing compassion towards ourselves means practicing from a place of love and joy rather than from a place of fear and guilt.
Tiferet of Tiferet is a process of opening our hearts to our present moment.
A heart that is closed to itself cannot be fully open to others.
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