There’s an entire industry predicated on encouraging you to believe that you are not enough in some form or another. Billions of dollars spent to reinforce the conditioning that in order to be successful, or happy, or fulfilled, you must belong to the right tribe.
And in order to belong to the right tribe you must have the right credentials: Do more. Have more. Be more. Improve yourself. Become better. Pursue growth.
To some extent, we all buy into this belief. It’s pervasive — woven into the fabric of our DNA over generations.
The conditioning that we must become something more is so strong, so enmeshed, that we experience cognitive dissonance at the mere thought that there is nothing to improve, no end goal to seek in the path of our becoming.
So we continue on this path of seeking, not even realizing that the pursuit of our own improvement prevents the very thing we are actually seeking: oneness, divine consciousness, enlightenment, awakening.
We can overcome this dissonance with practice, over time, the way waves washing over rocks dissolve hard stone into sand.
The practice is to return — over and over again — to the real truth: that we are enough as we are.
So long as you can be persuaded that there’s something more to be than you are, you’ve divided yourself from reality, from the universe, from God, or whatever you want to call that — the tat in tat-vam-asi…..
To be truly realized you have to get to the point where you’re not seeking anymore. — Alan Watts, The Practice of Yoga (at approximately 18:32).
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