I am spending the weekend babysitting for my 8-year old nieces.
As we savored a rare 70-degree November day with a picnic lunch yesterday, I received a text message from my sister asking if I had told them the news about the President.
Of course I didn’t know the news, because I hadn’t yet been online — proving my point that there’s no way I wouldn’t find out.
I shared the news with them, and then I made a point to emphasize the important piece of history: that for the first time in the history of the United States the Vice President would be a woman.
When I shared that this had never happened before they looked at me with faces of disbelief.
Really?, they asked?
I could almost see their minds churning, trying to figure out how that could be possible.
Really, I responded. This is the first time a woman is going to be Vice President.
As they took this in, one sister proclaimed,
We are in great hands. This is a great time to be alive.
It’s hard to argue with the wisdom of an 8-year old.
What was is in the past. We don’t need a new normal. What we need is a new trajectory. And that’s what we have.
It’s one thing to tell a girl she can be anything. But we believe what we see. Today, little girls across America today can see a model of possibility that hasn’t previously been seen.
It is indeed a great time to be alive.
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