In the two months I’ve been in Southern California, it’s rained much more than I expected.
I know California needs the rain, so I when it rains I accept the invitation to work on my patience and acceptance. I can’t control the weather; all I can do is surrender to it.
And reframe it.
I reflect on the positive aspects of the watery weather: the moisture that will help insulate the land from more wildfires, the sound of rain as it hits the roof or the street, the cleansing and healing properties of rain, and the beautiful flowers I see in bloom all around me.
When the land doesn’t get rain, we don’t get to see the flowers in bloom. Even worse, without rain the land dries out. The smallest spark can set off a raging wildfire like those that California experienced the past few years.
Our lives work the same way.
You Are A Garden
Think of yourself as a garden. You have seeds of potential planted within you.
How do you get those seeds to bloom?
How do you prevent a small spark from escalating into a destructive fire that ravages your garden?
Physical Hydration
On a purely physical level, your body needs hydration to function at optimal levels. Without proper hydration, cells and tissues — muscles, ligaments, joints, bones — dry up. This creates problems like tight and stiff muscles, arthritis, osteoporosis, and wrinkles, not to mention other more serious stuff.
Energetic Level
Water is essential on the energetic level too.
Emotions create the fertile soil for your ideas, projects, and seeds of greatness that bring beauty and joy to the world.
When you suppress your emotions, you dry up. The seeds within you can’t take root and cannot bloom. And, just like the dry lands of California, when you suppress your emotions you create the conditions wherein a tiny spark can create a catastrophic wildfire.
Without healthy expression and processing of your emotions, the smallest trigger can turn destructive to your mental and emotional health and well-being.
To bring your garden into full bloom, you must honor the water element.
Hydrate and feel.
Bring your flowers to the world.
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