Funny, how, when it rains,
we don’t ask,
We don’t try to understand
what made it rain.
Science helps us see patterns when it rains.
The patterns don’t tell us why it rains.
They simply tell us
what happens in the atmosphere
when it rains.
We accept that we can’t stop the rain.
Not by painting a picture of the sun,
not by thinking of dry weather,
not by crafting a vision of bright sunny days.
Nothing we do will change the rain.
The rain will continue until it stops.
We wear our rain boots.
We take our umbrella.
Or we don’t,
and we get wet.
We accept the rain.
We learn to be with the rain.
We may not always like the rain.
It can be inconvenient.
It can interfere with our plans.
It can flood our dreams.
But without the rain,
grass and trees turn brown, and
reservoirs deplete.
Nothing grows.
Everything dies.
The rain is a gift from the Divine.
Rain creates
a lush backdrop
for our experience.
Rain creates life.
We accept the rain.
We learn to be with the rain.
We embrace the life created by the rain.
And yet, when we face our internal rain,
we seek to understand its source.
We believe that we can chase the rain
from within us,
through positive thoughts,
or pictures of the sun.
Why, my dear,
do you expend so much energy
trying to chase away your rain, or
seeking its source or meaning?
Your rain is a gift from the Divine.
It waters the seeds of possibility within you.
It nourishes your soul.
It creates a fertile soil for your growth.
The rain you feel today,
will cause your flowers to bloom
in your new season of spring.
All that energy you spend
to chase the rain away,
won’t make the sun come out
before its time.
Embrace the rain.
Be with it.
In all its wetness.
Go outside.
Feel the rain.
On your skin.
In your hair.
Allow it to wash over you.
Taste the rain.
It’s sweeter than you expect.
Jump in its puddles.
Splash in its pools of potential
that swell at your feet.
Immerse yourself
in this glorious gift
of life.
And when the sun comes out,
your soul will be
ready to bloom.
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