The final Full Moon of the year will illuminate where we feel confused, stuck, or angry, and offers a path to healing and clarity.
New Moon in Sagittarius: A Reality Check on Your Vision
A New Moon in Sagittarius typically invites our biggest dreams and boldest visions. But this year gives us a reality check that asks us to check our systems and create a plan.
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius: Recalibrate Your Aim
As Mercury stations retrograde in adventurous Sagittarius, you might be inclined to fear flight delays. But the messenger planet’s last backtrack of 2024 has a more practical utility.
7 Essential Elements of Sagittarius
How well do you know your inner Sagittarius? Sagittarius season invites us to tap into this archetype within ourselves. Here are the 7 essential elements of Sagittarius to help you better understand its nature, style, and significations.
The Paradox of Sagittarius Season
As Sagittarius season arrives, we go from the depths of Scorpio’s still waters to the expansiveness of possibility, from the well of grief to the breadth of joy. But there’s a particular paradox of this mutable season that arrives at the darkest time of the year.
Mediating the Polarity of Cancer and Capricorn
On the surface, the signs of Cancer and Capricorn appear very different. But ultimately they want the same thing. Learning how to mediate the polarity can help us achieve more in a way that is more fulfilling.
Full Moon in Sagittarius: Set Your Sights on the Next Horizon
The full moon in Sagittarius reminds us not to lose the big picture in the details, and invites us to celebrate a culmination as we step back and set our sights on the next horizon.