I am notoriously against “hustle” — both in life and in my workouts. My approach to a CrossFit WOD, a yoga practice, or my flying trapeze or trampoline practices, is archetypal of a Sun in Taurus placement.
Slow and steady. Measured. Controlled. Building slowly, layer by layer. Persistent and resilient to the end.
Befitting its position as the middle sign of the spring season in the Northern hemisphere, Taurus is known for cultivation. It is a generative, generous sign. It likes comfort and nice things.
And it’s generally not inclined to rush or hustle.
It can also be a bit attached to established methodology. When a fixed sign finds a process that works, they tend to stick with it.
Why mess with a good thing?
There’s benefit to the tried and true, of course. Taurus seeks sustainability — what it builds is built to last. Good techniques hold up over time.
And, also, on that Taurus nature can lead to inertia and stagnation.
Speaking for myself, sometimes my Taurus nature needs a little kick in the ass to get going or to try something in a different way.
Hence my love/hate relationship with CrossFit: it pushes me in ways that I know I need to be pushed but that I don’t like. It’s not always comfortable in the moment, but I know that it will serve me well in the long term.
New Moon in Taurus: Innovate Generative Building
Today’s New Moon in Taurus brings us this kick-in-the-ass energy by inviting us to take an innovative approach to a new project, even as we focus on building something generative and sustainable.
It invites us to consider how we can break with established structures, processes, and methods and find new ways of building something sustainably. What we build will still be generative. We are still cultivating. But we are asked to shake up the process and approach.
This New Moon is a time to pick up and go; to trust that when we attempt to build in a different way we will receive the resources and blessings we need to find sustainable success.
New Moon Dynamics
Here’s the breakdown of this New Moon.
At a New Moon, the Moon and Sun appear — from our perspective on Earth — to be in the same place in the sky. The Moon disappears into the Sun to refresh and regenerate.
A New Moon begins a new cycle; it’s generally a time for seeding new intentions for something that you want to grow over the coming months.
Not all New Moons are created equal. First, the Moon has certain signs that it does better in. Second, the quality of any lunation also depends on the other planets in that sign and the condition of the planet that rules that sign.
This New Moon has everything going for it.
A Position of Dignity
First, at this New Moon, both the Sun and Moon are in the sign of Taurus.
The Moon is exalted in Taurus — like an honored dignitary. It has access to the energetic resources it needs to be a good conduit for our intentions.
Blessings and Support
Second, the ruling planet of Taurus is Venus, one of the two “benefic” planets — said to brings blessings. Venus is currently in Taurus. The ruling planet in the sign of the lunation is a great thing. Venus it’s well-resourced to support this New Moon.
Third, the other benefic planet — Jupiter — is also in Taurus. Venus and Jupiter are on either side of the moon, flanking it with protection and support.
Innovation and Change
That’s a good thing, because Uranus is also here. Uranus is the planet of sudden and unexpected change, innovation, and breakthroughs. Uranus brings the change.
The wildcard, roller-coaster-ride of Uranus is the part that stable and consistent Taurus doesn’t necessarily enjoy.
Having Venus and Jupiter here helps smooth over the bumpiness that Uranus can bring. It’s important to remember that Uranus isn’t disrupting just to disrupt, but to help us find new ways of building.
This New Moon will reactivate the energy from the recent Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, which initiated a new cycle of innovation in the area of your life where Taurus falls.
Supportive Structure
Finally, the Sun will form a supportive sextile aspect with Saturn just before the new moon. This angle brings Saturn’s structure and boundaries to bear on this new moon energy. Even though we are innovating and disrupting established methods, it’s not a free-for-all. There’s still a process to building generatively.
It’s Go Time
Taurus can have a reputation for being lazy and slow. Being methodical and orderly can be a good thing, but also it can get in the way of what we want to create.
Sometimes we need to throw aside the established processes and simply begin the new thing without so much overthinking and planning.
This New Moon in Taurus is an invitation to do just that.
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