In times of radical uncertainty, what we most need are bold, courageous, confident and authentic leaders.
You have this type of leader within you, and the new moon in Leo on August 4 (7:13 am ET at 12º34’) offers an opportunity to embrace it and bring it forward.
The new moon offers a brief reset in the midst of major change, and invites us to be bold in expressing our ideas, opinions, and authentic selves so we can show up as the leaders that are needed at this time.
Situated in a supportive aspect to Jupiter, this is an optimistic and hopeful new moon that comes amidst big changes.
Qualities of Leo Leadership
Leo is a fixed fire sign that marks the height of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. As the sign ruled by the Sun, Leo is known as a sign of leadership. This sign is bold, courageous, confident, and authentic.
In Leo, we take our cues from the Sun, which rises and shines every day no matter what. Even when overshadowed by the clouds, the Sun takes up space.
Leo is a sign that embraces the light of of joy and authentic self-expression.
Embracing the Vulnerability of Visibility
It’s inevitable that when we dare to express our truth, we will make people uncomfortable. Some might even reject us. People who once gravitated toward us might suddenly pull back.
As we go inward at the new moon, it invites us to examine the ways in which we temper our authenticity and joy or withhold our truth out of fear of being rejected or dismissed. We can acknowledge and embrace that fear even as we step into the spotlight that the Sun in Leo offers.
Leadership doesn’t mean that we are without fear. The best leaders are those who embrace their fears and even share their fears. An authentic leader is willing to be vulnerable.
The supportive aspect with Jupiter in Gemini, brings a sense of expansion, optimism, hope, and growth that can help us work through the contractions of fear that might arise as we step into the Leo spotlight.
Leadership is Adaptable and Authentic
Leo is a fixed sign, and this often creates the misimpression that leaders must be unchanging and static.
This new moon in Leo emphatically reinforces that such is not the case. The new moon arrives on the heels of a disruptive aspect between Venus and Uranus, which encouraged us to try something new and change our approach.
Shortly after the new moon, Venus will move into Virgo and Mercury, which is also in Virgo, will station retrograde.
The focus will shift to mutable signs, which require us to be adaptable.
To be adaptable doesn’t require that we sacrifice our authenticity. To the contrary, in order to adapt to changing circumstances we must root into our authenticity.
Authenticity doesn’t mean you never change; it means you know who you are.
At this new moon, it’s vital to get clear on who you are and what drives you so that you can step forward to be the leader for yourself and others.
This comes in the midst of change:
Venus is at the end of its transit through Leo and coming off of a square to Uranus, which can bring excitement and the desire to try new things. Shortly after the new moon, Venus will leave Leo and enter Virgo.
In addition, Mercury is on the cusp of stationing retrograde in early Virgo, initiating a period of review.
Find Your Truth
Each month, the Sun and Moon come together in the same part of the sky. The new moon offers a reset: it symbolizes both a releasing of the old and a fresh start.
This month, the Sun and Moon meet in the sign of
Sharing our authentic selves with the world can feel scary — we may fear rejection from others if we spoke our truth and fully embraced what helps us feel alive.
Before we can express ourselves to the world, we must do the work within.
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