If you’ve been feeling stuck or stagnant, now is your time to break free.
We are still at the start of the year; it’s not too late for you uproot your goals and plans and create a new vision. In fact, the new moon in Aquarius (February 9, 2024 at 5:59 pm ET) encourages us to do exactly that.
This new moon loudly proclaims that it’s time for a reinvention.
A reorientation.
A redefinition.
A revolution.
The revolution is not against some external authority figure or government. Rather, it occurs within you. It’s an interruption of your patterns: disrupting your own status quo, changing how you act and react, uprooting your calcified ideas and ways of being.
Aquarius: A Time for Deconditioning
Each new moon is a new beginning, a new cycle for the sun and moon. This new moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius.
Aquarius is a forward-looking sign. It is radical, rebellious, and innovative. A contrarian. It goes its own way. It seeks freedom — liberation — from the status quo and the bonds of the past.
In Aquarius we become aware of how parts of ourselves have been conditioned: what we desire, how we react or respond, our attitudes and beliefs. All the ways we keep ourselves stuck. And in this sign we begin to throw off the yoke of that conditioning to find our truths.
We rebel, and in the process we liberate ourselves from the conditioning of the past.
This new moon is the first one in Aquarius since Pluto moved into the sign for what will be a 20-year stay. Pluto is the planet of transformation — death and rebirth — which adds to the themes of reinvention surrounding this new moon.
Square to Uranus: Disrupt Yourself
In addition, this new moon occurs in a square — an aspect of friction — to Uranus, which is currently in Taurus.
Uranus is the planet of disruption and change. In Taurus, its role is to untangle us from the stubborn roots that are holding us back: the beliefs, attitudes, and emotional patterns that keep us stuck in the mud.
With Uranus in the mix, we can expect emotional volatility.
But the goal of Uranus’s disruption is always our highest good: our liberation from what is holding us back.
The question Uranus prompts us to ask is:
How can I break free of this pattern to get something better?
We must be willing to disrupt ourselves.
Pluto in Aquarius: Death Before Reinvention
Pluto’s presence in Aquarius reminds us that we must let something die in order to birth something new.
Sometimes what must “die” is a part of us: a part that has been conditioned to conform, to people-please, to mask, to tow the party line.
This new moon offers an out: you can have liberation — freedom from the status quo, from stagnation, feeling stuck — if you’re willing to disrupt yourself.
The first step to breaking free is the willingness to do things differently.
Journal Prompts for the New Moon
- What part of your life needs reinvention?
- What patterns of behavior or thought do you need to interrupt?
- What beliefs, attitudes, and mindsets do you need to de-condition?
- What parts of you must “die” to facilitate your rebirth?
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