Halloween is more than just a night to troll the streets asking for candy. It’s connected to the Celtic harvest festival of Samhain (pronounced Sa-win). In ancient times, people believed that at this time of year the “veils” between the worlds were thinner, making it easier to communicate with long-lost ancestors.
In fact the custom of dressing up in costume was originally adopted to ward off ghosts.
If all this sounds a little “woo,” consider that every culture has its own version of this day: a time when we feel closer to that which lies beyond our every day reality, when the boundaries between the worlds feel a little more permeable.
If communicating with the ghosts of dead ancestors isn’t your thing, consider that the “ghosts” accessible to you right now might be the ghosts within: your own shadow parts.
The invitation of Halloween isn’t necessarily about communing with external spirits. Rather, it’s about getting quiet enough to hear the messages that are already trying to reach us, and exploring the long-lost parts of ourselves, to deepen into our intuition and our inner knowing.
This is Scorpio season, after all.
It’s also no coincidence that homecoming, another rite of fall arrives around this time. Exploring our shadows and communing with our ghosts — whether the spirits of our ancestors or the ghosts within — is how we come home to ourselves.
Mercury Trine Neptune: Explore the Immaginative Realm
As if on cue, the planet Mercury, currently finishing up a transit through Scorpio, makes a trine — a supportive aspect — to Neptune in Pisces on Halloween.
Mercury is the messenger and the communicator. In Scorpio, it investigates and probes deep under the still waters. In this emotional water sign, it feels things on the deepest level and communicates via intuition — what it inherently knows.
Maybe there’s no “science” to explain how people communicate with the spirit realm, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Science is often a lagging indicator.
Mercury in Scorpio isn’t trying to prove something with data. It communicates through feeling and sensation.
Neptune is the planet of dreams and imagination. In Pisces, it dissolves our usual boundaries while Mercury in Scorpio helps us probe the still waters of our deeper knowing.
Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces amplifies our capacity to receive messages through our intuition, our bodies, our dreams, and through the sensations that arise when we finally stop trying to figure everything out with our minds.
The wisdom of Scorpio tells us to investigate the shadows. To listen to the ghosts that haunt us — whether they’re actual spirits or just the parts of ourselves we’ve tried to silence.
These inner ghosts aren’t our enemies. Like any spirit seeking to make contact, they have wisdom to share.
Befriend Your Ghosts
Halloween invites us to befriend our inner ghosts and to trust that wisdom can come through channels we can’t always explain or prove.
When we learn to befriend rather than fear or silence them, they often become powerful allies in our journey of self-discovery.
- What ghosts from your past are trying to get your attention?
- What messages have you been avoiding?
- What wisdom is waiting for you in the shadows?
Sometimes the most powerful revelations come when we stop trying to force understanding and simply allow ourselves to receive the wisdom waiting in the shadows.
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