One of the things I learned about myself in 2023 is that I really love the thrill of hitting big numbers in the gym — moreso than I had imagined I would.
I especially like to deadlift.
In 2023 I hit some big PRs in my deadlifts, improving by over 100 pounds from the end of 2022.
The moments when I hit new PRs (personal records) were often accompanied by immense highs and boosts of confidence that you might expect when you accomplish something that you previously never even considered was a possibility for you.
Energy is contagious, and when I get that surge of confidence from a big weightlifting PR, it infects everything else I do. Just another reason to start the day with a workout.
The Path to the Peak
I don’t expect to see another 100-pound gain in 2024.
In any endeavor or learning journey, you make bigger gains when starting out. Over time, the gains are more incremental and less frequent.
One of the lessons I’ve learned along this path is that to achieve and maintain the big PRs requires showing up consistently.
Showing up means not just practicing deadlifts, but also doing the accessory work that helps to build stability and strength, the neuromuscular conditioning that I require to train my body to coordinate movements, and the recovery work to keep my body in good shape.
Admittedly, those parts are less thrilling.
For one, unlike with big lifts, nobody is there cheering you on while you’re trying to do a single leg balance while holding down a resistance band with your toes, or whatever other boring exercise you’re doing that day.
My ADHD brain craves a certain amount of stimulation, and I often find it harder to motivate and stay focused when doing foot strength drills and other neuromuscular drills.
The movements are slower, coordinating my mind and muscles is often frustrating for me, and it lacks the excitement of the big lifts.
But I know that unless I show up consistently to do the accessory work and drills, and unless I give my body adequate rest and nutrition, I won’t get the excitement of the big lifts. More crucially, I also won’t get the sense of achievement — or the confidence boost — that comes with those highs.
The Pattern in Life: Enduring the Slog to the Peak
This is the way life works in every realm.
In a previous life, I was involved in planning big charity events. It’s fun to show up to the event and see all the pieces come together after months of planning. Parts of the planning were fun: creating the vision, imagining what we could create, conceiving who might donate auction prizes. But the work of pulling that together was less fun: it required attention to details, chasing donors and vendors, securing commitments from people, and selling tickets.
In 2023 over 100,000 visitors came to my blog. Most of them came through organic Google search. I realize some websites get 100,000 visitors a day, but for an independent blog that has no SEO strategy and is not promoted, and no paid ads, this is a big deal. It didn’t happen overnight. It took over six years of showing up daily to build authority and generate those numbers.
This is how it works whether you’re building a body, a business, a building, a relationship, a creative project, or any other endeavor.
Any big vision is ultimately attained through a combination of consistency and persistence in the small, boring bits. The big PRs and peak moments are the rewards on the journey; they don’t define the path.
If you want to publish a book, you’ll have to commit yourself to a daily writing practice.
If you want to build a building, you’re going to have to deal with local bureaucracy and zoning regulations.
If you want good relationships with the people in your life, you must show up for them, listen, and even be willing to put your own needs aside sometimes.
Any big vision is ultimately attained through a combination of consistency and persistence, among other things.
The big PRs and high moments are the rewards on the journey; they don’t define the path.
Mars in Capricorn: Driving With Persistence to a Bigger Vision
This lesson is especially fitting to remember as Mars enters Capricorn on January 4, 2024 (9:58 am ET), where it will remain until February 12.
In astrology, the sign of Capricorn is where we work on our persistence toward a larger vision. Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac. It sits in the 12 o’clock spot on the zodiacal wheel — the “high noon” of the chart, and the place where we are most visible. Capricorn is where we reach the culmination of our efforts.
It’s symbol is the sea goat, which persistently climbs the mountain to reach the peak.
Capricorn is a sign of strategy and planning. It initiates the winter season at the December solstice and takes us through mid-January — perfect timing for planning the year ahead.
Mars is the planet of action; it represents our drive, passion, determination, and courage.
Mars is considered “exalted” in Capricorn, making it extra strong here. As astrologer April Kent explains, Capricorn’s discipline and strategic gifts temper Mars’s impatience and bring out its gifts of energy, determination, and courage.
Kent offers that Mars’ transit through Capricorn can be an effective time for formulating both long- and short-term strategies and laying the groundwork for success.
Because Capricorn is an earth sign, this transit can be especially useful for laying out a path to physical pursuits, such as exercise, diet, and improving strength.
We will receive another assist in the planning process when Mercury returns to Capricorn on January 13.
Lay the Foundation Before Taking Action
Mars’ entry into Capricorn is not a signal to charge out of the gate immediately.
Capricorn’s persistence is grounded in patience, which acts as a temper to the Martial instinct to rush to action.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which reminds us of the importance of laying out the structure and systems to help us reach the peak. In the body, Capricorn rules the bones — the underlying structure that keeps us upright.
In Capricorn we recognize the value of doing the small things over time that will fuel our drive to the peak.
Mars in Capricorn helps us create the plans and lay the foundation for what we want to build or create, so that we don’t have to rely so much on willpower energy or pure discipline to persist through the long climb up the mountain.
Once we are ready to take action, we can rely on the energy of Mars in Capricorn to fuel our patience and persistence as we take the steps we need to take to reach our own mountain peaks.
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