Early in my business as a residential real estate broker, I noticed a recurring pattern:
I would meet with a client to discuss what they were looking for in their new home. We would create a list of “must-have” features, prioritizing all the criteria.
And then we’d go see apartments.
Often, we would find an apartment that checked all the boxes, but the client didn’t like it. Inevitably they ended up pursuing something that was different from what they originally said they wanted.
This scenario is so common that real estate agents summarize it as “buyers are liars.”
But I realized that was unfair to my clients.
My clients weren’t liars. They just were listening to the wrong voice when they initially created their vision for their new home.
They were listening to the guidance of their minds, instead of their hearts.
As I developed my coaching skills and started doing more traditional vision sessions with new clients, I was able to help them tap into their hearts true desires.
This allowed us to focus on finding a home that truly aligned with what they wanted.
When considering your big vision and goals, are you listening to your heart or your mind?
Often, when we get stuck in pursuing a vision, it’s because we are allowing our mind to run the show.
The mind is logical, practical, and analytic. It listens to “reason” — and fear. The mind tells you what you it thinks you need to be safe in the world. It tells you what is “realistic” or “possible” — at least what it believes to be realistic or possible.
The mind is influenced by the conditioning you’ve received from parents, teachers, and culture.
It tells you what you “should” want.
The path to any vision, whether a new home, a thriving business, or the most basic project or goal, is not always easy. Challenges and obstacles inevitably arise.
If you’re letting your mind run the show, you’ll eventually get stuck when challenges arise.
Shoulds don’t hold up well under pressure.
On the other hand, the heart wants what it wants. It’s not logical or reasonable.
There is no force stronger than desire. It drives motivation, action, willpower, tenacity, perseverance, grit, and resilience.
Love and desire aren’t reasonable.
That’s what makes them so powerful.
When considering your vision, learn to listen to your heart. It will show you the way.
Love it? Hate it? What do you think? Don't hold back...