On January 20, 2024, the Sun’s entrance into the zodiac sign of Aquarius marks the start of Aquarius season, which lasts until February 18.
Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac. It’s an air sign, which means it excels in the realm of thinking and ideas. As the second sign of the winter season, Aquarius is a fixed sign, giving it qualities of stubbornness. It is ruled by Saturn, the planet of time, structure, and boundaries. It’s symbol is the Water-Bearer.
Here are 5 important things to know about Aquarius season — both in general as well as the particularities of Aquarius season in 2024.
(1) WE before ME
In Aquarius, which sits opposite Leo on the zodiacal wheel, the Sun is said to be in its “exile.” It’s far from its home here, and struggles to shine bright in its individuality.
While Leo focuses on the individual, Aquarius is focused on the collective.
Aquarius season encourages a shift in perspective from self-centeredness to a more inclusive, communal mindset. It’s less concerned with personal gain and more concerned with the communal welfare.
Its philosophy is rooted in the idea that the needs and well-being of the group are more critical than individual desires or ambitions.
This time is ideal for engaging in activities that benefit the greater good, whether it’s volunteering, participating in social movements, or simply being more aware of how personal actions impact those around us.
Leadership during this time is less about individual power and more about collective action and collaboration. It’s about finding strength in unity and diversity. When we recognize the unique perspective and set of skills that each person brings to a project, we can foster a greater sense of community and belonging.
During Aquarius season, think “We before Me” and “Power to the People.”
(2) Break the Rules
Each sign of the Zodiac represents both a progression from and a reaction to the preceding sign. During Capricorn season, we focus on integrity, commitment, and dedication: building the structures that will support our long-term plan and vision.
Aquarius season reminds us that sometimes progress requires breaking the established rules and the structures. Aquarius is the rebel of the zodiac, the genius who innovates new ways to do things.
This is a time to consider how you can break the rules in your life and work.
How can you be revolutionary in your approach to what you do to bring more of your work forward for the collective good?
(3) Innovate to Liberate
When you think of Aquarius, think of the 5 I’s:
- Ideas
- Innovation
- Intellectual curiosity
- Independence
- Ideals
The symbol for Aquarius is the water-bearer, representing their role of bringing new ideas and innovations to the world.
This is the sign of aliens and artificial intelligence.
Aquarius is known for intellectual curiosity and innovative thinking. Although it is focus on the collective over the individual, it’s also a sign that encourages independence and freedom of thought.
If this seems like a conflict, consider that the “independence” here is not from the collective, but from the cultural indoctrination of the past. Aquarius is a sign where we innovate new ways and strive toward humanitarian ideals as a way of gaining freedom from the constraints of cultural conditioning and the protocols of the past.
Aquarius season is a time when we puzzle out new solutions to old problems. It’s a time to get innovative and creative with how you approach your life and work, by trying out new ideas and methods, and striving for more inclusive ideals.
However, this isn’t to be done haphazardly. This is a sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure. Saturn encourages a structured approach that allows us to turn innovative ideas into tangible results. Be scientific in your experimentations.
(4) Pluto in Aquarius: Major Transformation
In 2024, Aquarius season begins with Pluto also moving into the Water-Bearer’s sign, almost simultaneous with the Sun.
Pluto is the planet of power and transformation. It reminds us that all beginnings start with destruction and chaos.
While the Sun transits through Aquarius once a year, Pluto’s arrival is a bigger deal. As the slowest planet, Pluto takes decades to transit a sign; its energy is felt on a generational level.
Pluto has been transiting through Capricorn since 2008. It first entered Aquarius for a brief preview from March-June 2023. Pluto will make one more brief return into Capricorn from September-November 2024 before settling into Aquarius for 20 years.
The story of what Pluto in Aquarius will bring to the collective is just getting started, and we’ll explore it more in separate essays. In the past, Pluto in Aquarius has correlated to major revolutions. Be on the lookout for what arises related to technology, AI, and the power of the people.
(5) Planetary Pile-up
During Aquarius season 2024, Mercury, Venus, and Mars will all enter Aquarius, bringing a planetary pile-up in this sign. These inner planets will all come into conjunctions with Pluto as they enter the air sign, giving us our first indications of the story that may unfold for us personally during the next 2 decades of Pluto in Aquarius.
The planetary pile-up will also increase the focus on Aquarius season and its themes, making them more pronounced for the next month.
[…] January 19 marks the start of Aquarius season. As the Sun moves from Capricorn to Aquarius, it shifts from an earth sign to an air […]