On February 18 at 11:13 pm ET, the Sun begins its last transit of the zodiacal year with its annual entrance into Pisces.
For a primer on the basics of Pisces season, read 5 Things to Know About Pisces Season — which is my most popular post ever.
You can also read What to Know About Pisces Season.
In astrology, the planets represent what we do and the signs represent how we do them. While the sun is in Pisces, it invites us to explore the ways in which we act that are more Piscean in nature, or to try on a more Piscean orientation in our daily routine.
Pisces represents the expansiveness of the ocean. This is a sign that loves to go deep under the surface of things.
In that spirit, here is a deeper dive into three lesser-discussed attributes of Pisces, and some tips on how to work with them in a practical way during Pisces season.
I learned these tips and so much more from The Astrology Podcast episode on Pisces with Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock.
3 Essential Attributes of Pisces and How to Work With Them During Pisces Season
(1) A Different Construct of Time
The transition from Aquarius to Pisces can feel harsh. A planet enters Pisces, which is a Jupiter-ruled sign, following transits through two Saturn-ruled signs: Capricorn and Aquarius.
Among other things, Saturn speaks to limitation, while Jupiter represents expansion.
Notably, Saturn is the “time-keeper” of the zodiac. In our culture, when we think of time, we tend to think first of the linear clock: hours, minutes, and seconds; days, months, and years.
On one hand, our world measures things in clock time.
Mass transportation runs on a schedule. In fact, that’s why we standardized time. Meetings, classes, appointments, are scheduled on the calendar at specific times.
Questions such as when does that event take place? or how long will this last? are often first questions of linear time.
The linear time schedule operates within a bigger context of cycles and seasons.
Pisces season brings us into a different realm of time, one that is governed by cycles and seasons instead of the clock and calendar. It also brings us into the realm of dream time, which can warp both the linear time line and the timeline of cycles and seasons.
Nature does not follow clock time. It follows the rhythms of the seasons.
A tree doesn’t bloom because it’s a specific day or month or time. It follows its own rhythm.
From our perspective on earth the sun and moon revolve at particular rhythms, giving us days, months, and years that don’t exactly conform to the linear clocks and calendars.
February is the perfect example of this: once every four years we add a day to the month, to try to bring clock time closer to nature time.
Is it a coincidence that we add the day during Pisces season?
In life, we are always mediating between both types of time. Even astrology uses both: we create maps of the sky for events based on the specific date and time that those events occurred.
TIP: How to Work With Time During Pisces Season
During Pisces season, our mission is to explore how to mediate the different modalities of time. Especially with Saturn in Pisces through 2025, we are invited to find harmony between clock time and cyclical time, to use them better together.
(2) Seeking Inner and Outer Harmony
Pisces sits across the zodiac from Virgo. Both are mutable signs, meaning that they transition us from one season to the next.
Virgo and Pisces both bring us to the equinoxes, the days when there is an equal balance of day and night.
Each sign is seeking a perfect balance in its own way.
Virgo seeks a linear perfection where things line up perfectly: all the details and data are arranged perfectly.
Pisces seeks harmony among the different conflicting levels of being, layers of time, and parts of the soul, mind, and body.
According to astrologer Austin Coppock, Pisces is asking:
“What is everything? How do I live with everything? How do I achieve a coherence and harmony among all the things that I perceive myself to be and the world to be?”
This is often the struggle of modern life.
We are not just one-note beings who can silo our different parts and be one thing at a time.
Nor should we need to.
In fact, communities, workplaces, and organizations fare much better when the individuals who participate in them are able to bring all aspects of themselves to what they do.
TIP: How to Find Harmony During Pisces Season
Pisces season encourages us to embrace and integrate all parts of ourselves in each context where we work and contribute. Bringing your experience and expertise from one part of your life to another part of your life can open up the floodgates to new ideas and insights that might otherwise remain hidden beneath the surface.
(3) Adaptation and Change As a Path to Progress
Pisces and Virgo are both nocturnal, yin, feminine, and mutable signs. These signs teach us how to adapt to change. They also teach us two different approaches to achieving a goal.
While Virgo takes a linear approach, in Pisces, we learn how to “go with the flow” or “ride the waves” to get to our destination.
Consider a situation where you aren’t getting what you want.
Instead of asking
How do I change this situation to get what I want?
Pisces and Virgo ask
How do I change myself or how I am doing things to better navigate this situation?
The two signs will go about creating this change in different ways.
For earth sign Virgo, the path is in the linear process. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of planning and details. This sign is methodical, studied, measured. It researches the science and creates a detailed plan for its transformation.
Pisces takes a more esoteric, ethereal, and circumambulating path. It’s more intuitive and inwardly directed.
It might begin with meditation or another method of inducing a state change, and then feel into next steps.
An Example of Virgo vs Pisces Approach to a Goal
For example, given the same goal of becoming more healthy, the Virgoan process might begin with research on macros, exercise protocols, and blood metrics. From there, the Virgo path would be to develop a specific plan.
The Piscean approach would be to meditate and dream about what being healthy feels like. Then the Piscean path would be to eat food that tastes good and feels nourishing, and move in a way that feels good to the body.
TIP For Creating a Path to Progress During Pisces Season
Consider the difference between walking a path on land and swimming in the ocean. On land, you can follow a path or create your own. In the ocean, there is no defined path. You can’t follow one or create one.
In the ocean, you can use guideposts and navigation tools to keep you on course toward a destination, but you will inevitably get misdirected off-course.
It’s crucial to learn how to surf the waves and go with the flow while also keeping a focus on the eventual destination.
Accepting that drift is inevitable makes it easier to course-correct without a lot of self-judgment or blame.
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