Who would you be if you didn’t know who you are?
So much of what we know about ourselves we learn from other people. From the moment we are born, other people tell us about ourselves. They teach us about our lineage and heritage. They imbue us with beliefs, inject us with attitudes and assumptions, and influence our world-view.
Your personality is formed through your interactions with the people around you.
And by nature of what they tell you about yourself and how you see yourself through their eyes, you form your identity.
What would happen if you woke up one day in a foreign place, with no recollection of your life before, no familiar people around you, and none of the constructs of life that help you define yourself in the way you always have?
Would you be the same person?
Perhaps. But maybe not.
You’d have the chance to be someone else — maybe someone more true to the values you hold deep within. You’d have the chance to explore who you are without the reflections of people who know you well or who have a vested interest in who you become.
As the Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on December 16 (10:35 pm ET), it presents us the opportunity to explore the depths of ourselves without having to travel to a far away place or suffer amnesia.
The Sun in Sagittarius is bold and optimistic. Sagittarius is a sign of beliefs and honesty. Symbolized by the archer, this is the sign in which we aim our arrows and send them off. To do this requires trust in a force bigger than ourselves: all we can do it pull the arrow back and let it rip from the bow. We don’t control where it lands.
Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusions, and delusions. Neptune is like a fog: it obscures. In Pisces, a water sign about oneness, Neptune dissolves.
Squares are aspects of friction, where two ideas are in tension. Squares to Neptune generally point to confusion, disillusion, or misinformation. The fogginess presents as an obstacle.
But within the fog we can find clarity.
This aspect, which has been building since the new moon in Sagittarius, invites us to dive deep below the veils of illusion that cloak our daily experience and our sense of identity, to consider what we really believe, to get a glimpse of who we are beyond what people mirror back to us.
The opportunity here is to discover what lies beneath the veils of the stories you’ve been told about your potential, who you should be, and even who you are, and to find it for yourself.
Sun square Neptune is an aspect generally considered “unproductive” in the traditional sense. It’s not a day for clear thinking or linear progress. But the fog can be productive in a non-traditional sense, in helping us go under the surface to discover who we might be if we didn’t receive our cues from the disinformation around us.
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