There’s a persistent, prevailing myth that if you show up every day, if you take action consistently, then eventually you’ll see results.
This is simply not true.
If you do the same thing consistently, you’ll eventually develop a habit of it. But that habit may not serve you.
The action you’re taking may be an action that isn’t designed to get you the results you want.
Nor is it an issue of working harder.
If what you’re doing isn’t working, then doing more of it, or working harder at it, is unlikely to change your trajectory.
All this being said, you do have to give things a fair chance. Many people quit their actions too soon.
How long do you need to do something before you know it’s not working?
That depends on the result you’re after and the activity involved. You can’t expect to transform your body after a week of exercise, or even three months. You’re unlikely to massively grow a business in a few weeks or months of daily actions.
Growing things, or creating transformation, takes time.
But there’s a point at which you do need to assess whether something is working. And if it’s not getting you where you want to go, then it’s time to consider making a controlled change.
The key is to be scientific about it.
If you change everything all at once you won’t know what parts of the process were working and what was not working.
Making small, incremental changes, with time to implement and assess how things are working, is the best way to get on the right track.
You must find the balance between consistency and changing things that are no longer serving you.
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