There’s an old saying in the real estate industry that “buyers are liars.”
In my 16 years as a residential real estate broker I’ve seen the pattern that supports this adage more times than I can count.
My clients come with a checklist of what they need and want in their new home; the things they know will make them happy.
At some point we may go to see a home that looks appealing for various reasons even if it doesn’t check all the boxes of what they thought they wanted.
They fall in love and buy that home.
Seems to prove the point, right?
I don’t believe that “buyers are liars.”
It’s more accurate to say that home buyers, like all other humans, don’t really know what they want until they experience it.
The Mystery of Desire
People are the same way about spouses. I’ve heard so many people share stories of meeting their partner and how their partner wasn’t on the surface the type of person they envisioned themselves with. But they fell in love and that was that.
On the flip side, I know many people, myself included, who had a vision, pursued it, and attained it, only to realize that it didn’t make them happy or fill their heart.
The heart’s desires can be a bit mysterious.
Venus in Virgo Trine Uranus in Taurus: Shake Up Your Pleasure Routine
In my coaching practice, I work with my clients to define a vision, and I also encourage them to keep their minds and hearts open to what comes into their path that may provide new information to shape that vision.
This mindset of experimentation is pulled into focus today as Venus — the planet of pleasure and desire — forms a trine to Uranus, the planet of innovation.
Venus in Virgo: A Plan For Pleasure
Venus is currently transiting through Virgo, a sign that is about doing the work in a systematic way. Virgo loves a system, a plan, and a routine. It’s efficient.
In Virgo, Venus pursues its pleasure in a systematic way. It wants to follow the plan, the blueprint for happiness.
It’s human nature that when we find something we like, that gives us pleasure, we go back to that thing repeatedly.
You know that one dish on the menu always hits the spot. You know exactly what brand of clothes fit you and what styles work for you. You wear your hair in the same style all the time.
This all makes sense: sticking with what works is efficient. It requires fewer decisions. The dopamine hit to your reward center is virtually guaranteed.
Virgo is all about the efficiency of systems.
Uranus in Taurus: Uproot the System
Uranus in Taurus reminds us of the value in experimenting. Uranus is innovative. Its role is to uproot our well-entrenched systems — not simply to disrupt, but in pursuit of something better.
Venus Trine Uranus: Create a New Experience
As Venus in Virgo forms a trine to Uranus in Taurus, it reminds us that as much as there is value in sticking with what we know works, there’s also value in shaking up the status quo — even if only temporarily.
Why mess with a tried-and-true recipe for what brings you joy?
Because you don’t know what you’re missing.
That’s why.
When we think we know what will make us happy, we may pursue that vision with blinders to everything that is not that. In so doing, we may miss the opportunities that will actually bring us joy and pleasure.
Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus invites us to create a new experience in our daily routine.
Order something different from the menu.
Try on a new style in your appearance — your wardrobe, your hair.
Play with a new hobby — maybe create art in a different way, or experiment with a new medium.
Shake up your routine.
Experiment with new ways of seeking pleasure.
Maybe you’ll hate the new dish you order or the hairstyle you try. Your experiments might reaffirm the status quo of your go-to system. If so, you’ve still learned something valuable.
But maybe your experiments will show you new sources of pleasure or joy.
Often, the heart doesn’t know what it desires until it’s had an experience of that thing.
You may discover you’ve been missing out on a richer experience of pleasure than you ever believed possible. And perhaps you’ll even discover a more efficient path to what you desire.
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