Everything in nature has a life cycle. The heart of autumn is about letting go, releasing. Shedding.
As the trees shed their leaves, we are invited to release what no longer serves us, to let it go, to shed the weight of it.
The seeds for reinvention are planted in the space created by letting go.
When we clear out, we create space for what might be birthed in the emptiness of the space left behind.
On the other hand, when we are gripping onto things, we leave ourselves without capacity to receive something new.
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra
In the monthly lunar cycle, the lead up to a new moon is a time to release what is no longer working. In the darkness of the new moon, we incubate in that emptiness, as we feel into what wants to seed for the next cycle.
Today’s new moon solar eclipse at 21°10’ Libra (1:55 pm ET) doubles down on this energy, inviting us to release what is no longer working or what has reached the end of its lifecycle.
A solar eclipse is like a super-charged new moon.
Shadow and Power
Eclipses bring up issues of shadow and power.
When we experience parts of ourselves that we don’t like, or that we believe are morally reprehensible or unacceptable to society, or when we experience emotions that we believe are wrong or unwelcomed, our natural response is to push these parts of ourselves out of our conscious view.
Psychologist Carl Jung called this “the shadow,” and this is the part of ourselves that often is our agent of sabotage. What we don’t acknowledge or recognize consciously controls our reactions and behaviors.
Eclipses show us what’s just out of our conscious awareness — the patterns, emotions, personas, and habitual ways of reacting and being that we often can’t see. These unacknowledged parts are often the cause of our stagnation or sabotage; they drain our power and our energy.
During an eclipse, the light is blocked, casting a shadow at a time when the sun would usually shine. The ancients viewed this event ominously, as a celestial power outage.
This offers us an opportunity to see our own shadows and unconscious patterns more clearly. Once we see them they no longer hold power over us.
A Release Point
This new moon solar eclipse occurs at 21°10’ of Libra, by the South Node. It is the first of three South Node eclipses we will have in Libra, and it represents the opening of the story that will unfold in this part of our lives.
Read more about the Lunar Nodes and what they mean
According to astrologer Austin Coppock on The Astrology Podcast, the South Node is about something disappearing, or something not being there that you expected to be there, a sudden absence; the act of letting go of something that cannot be saved or is just not worth the effort.
Something that’s reached the end of its life cycle, and that you’re wasting time and energy by holding onto it.
The South Node is also a point of depletion. It can show up as fatigue or feeling drained of energy. Look at your life to see where the energy leaks are.
South Node Eclipse in Libra: Release to Rebalance
Libra is a sign where we seek balance and harmony.
With the South Node in Libra our path to balance comes through doing less.
Taking things off the schedule creates more space to do what matters. Releasing our grip on what we are holding onto frees our hands to receive something new.
When we let go of things, when we stop trying to control things, they don’t just disappear. They assume a more natural, harmonious balance.
Consider the body: when it gets out of balance, we experience illness. But the body also has the immense power to heal itself. When we release the need for “doing” and allow ourselves to rest, the body returns to homeostasis.
3 Things to Release to Rebalance Your Life and Reclaim Your Power
The unstable energy of eclipses helps us see where our own energy and power is unstable or out of balance. This is a clue to where we need to release something.
Here are three things to consider releasing during this new moon eclipse in Libra to rebalance your energy and realign with your power.
(1) Relationships
Libra is a sign that is focused on relationships. Not all relationships are meant to last forever. Some people come into our lives for a purpose, to fill a role or a need. But we may not have that same need forever.
Sometimes we outgrow certain relationships.
Maintaining relationships requires an investment of our energy. If we aren’t getting an energetic return on that investment, it might be a sign that the relationship is no longer working.
- What relationships have run their course or served their need?
- What relationships drain your energy?
- Where are you giving your power away in a relationship?
Maybe the relationship is really over, or maybe you just need to step away for a while to reset the relationship dynamics.
(2) Roles
Each of us plays many roles in our lives. Some roles we were assigned at a young age and they’ve been with us for our whole lives.
Others we acquire by virtue of getting married, having children, or working in certain jobs.
- What roles do you play in your life that are depleting you?
- What aspects of your identity are no longer serving you?
- What parts of yourself and how you’ve shown up in the past are no longer aligned with the vision of who you want to be?
It can feel hard to release parts of our identity that have been with us for our whole lives. But this is the path to our evolution.
We must release who we have always been to become who we are meant to be.
(3) Responsibilities
When our attention and focus is scattered among too many projects, we diminish our power to make an impact at the level of our potential.
When we take over responsibility for others, we disempower them and keep them from fulfilling their potential and recognizing their own power.
- Where are you giving your power away?
- Where are you preventing someone else from realizing their power and potential?
- What projects can you release from your list of responsibilities?
Maybe you don’t need to completely discard a project. It might be enough to step away for a while and see how it does without your constant investment of energy.
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