At the heart of constructive and generative relationships — of all kinds — is constructive and conscious communication.
It seems pretty obvious, but also worth explicitly stating: if you’re not communicating, you’re not relating.
We are about midway through Libra season, the pocket of time where our focus is already pulled to our relationships: how we show up in them, how we nurture them, how we find equality and justice within them.
Into that mix arrives Mercury, fresh off two months in Virgo and picking up steam after its recent retrograde through its home sign.
In Virgo, we used Mercury’s analytics skills to sort and separate. Mercury in Libra still analyzes — this is an air sign, after all — but here the analysis is aimed to a different outcome: weighing the words we use for the purpose of bridging gaps and bringing people together.
It’s a great example of how the same action — in this case, analysis — can carry two completely different energies depending on the purpose and intention behind it.
Mercury in Libra is known for shrewd negotiation skills. People often think there’s a mystery or secret to negotiation, but like most skills, it comes down to basics: how we communicate.
In Libra, Mercury helps us find the balance that elevates our communication:
- between listening and talking
- between promoting our ideas and being receptive to others’ ideas
- between defending our point of view and conceding when we’re in the wrong
Whether we write them or speak them, whether to ourselves or others, the words we use each day have immense power.
Mercury’s quick transit through Libra encourages us to weigh our words carefully before we hit send, publish, or open our mouths.
- What really needs to be said?
- Am I using the right words?
- Do I know the meanings of the words I am using?
- Am I saying what I mean?
- Am I being fair and balanced?
Libra seeks harmony in relationships, and conscious communication helps us get there.
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