Today’s full moon in Leo is an invitation to be bold and to lead with the heart.
Leo is represented by the lion, the king of the jungle, the icon of courage.
Courage is from the Latin root cour, which means “heart.”
In Leo, we are invited to step into the spotlight, to claim our place, and to fully express our authentic selves.
We can express ourselves authentically only once we have accepted ourselves as we are.
This is the basis for belonging.
When we accept ourselves as we are, we find belonging within, which helps us feel belonging with others.
Leo invites us to play, to embrace our creativity, and to collaborate in creating.
This full moon invites us to find those people and places where we feel safe to fully express ourselves in our true nature.
Who or what inspires or encourages you to be bold?
Encouragement comes from the same word as courage — those who encourage us help us find the strength of heart to step fully into ourselves and become fully expressed.
What are the places and who are the people who help you embrace all parts of yourself and express yourself in your true nature?
How can you spend more time with those people and in those places?
Here’s a haiku poem for the full moon in Leo:
to find belonging
accept yourself as you are
and dare to stand out
cultivate courage
level-up your leadership
start within yourself
strengthen your heart space
stand tall in your radiance
connect through your light
silence your critic
through collaborative play
shed your old stories
gather your people
create in community
and witness magic
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