When you’re driving on the highway and you see signs alerting you to take a different route than the one you had planned, do you heed those signs or do you keep driving the road you had mapped out?
If you’re ultra flexible and adaptable, fully open to adventure, perhaps you change course at the first sign.
If you’re a little more rigid in your approach, you might hold out.
Perhaps you think,
It’s probably not a big deal. I’m going to stay the course.
How many signs do you need to see before you finally surrender to the messages you’re receiving?
If you were born with your sun in Taurus, you might be inclined to wait much longer before you give in.
Taurus is a fixed sign of the zodiac, anchoring the spring season. It’s element is earth — the most fixed of all the elements. Water, air, and fire all have natural movement. Earth only moves when something is wrong. It’s earth’s job to hold the ground.
So Taurus is the most fixed of the fixed signs.
It’s calling card is stubbornness and resistance to change. It’s reason d’etre is to be fixed and rigid, to hold space for others.
And no part of Taurus is more fixed than the middle degrees.
So someone who was born with the sun in the 15–16th degree of Taurus will likely stay the course until they see the edge of the cliff they’ve been warned about for miles.
Welcome to my world.
I was born with the sun at 15º40’ (15 degrees and 40 minutes) in Taurus.
The beauty of astrology is that it reveals to us our inner conflicts.
My sun is the only planet I have in a fixed sign, and it’s generally well-aspected by other planets.
I have a lot of air and water, and significant placements in two of the three mutable signs — Gemini and Pisces.
In my first house, I have Pluto, planet of transformation, conjunct my ascendant, and Uranus, the planet of unexpected surprises and change.
Take away the sun for a moment and my chart looks like a person who pursues a lot of varied interests, consistently changes identity and embarks on a path of continual transformation.
But nothing happens in this universe without the light of the sun. And the light of my sun is rooted in the middle of earthy Taurus, holding its ground with a fierceness that can be self-destructive.
Birthdays: Endings and Beginnings
Today is my 48th birthday.
Birthdays are always time for renewal. But with this one coming on the heels of yesterday’s south node lunar eclipse in Scorpio, it’s hard to ignore the signs that have been flashing for months.
For months, my natal sun has been in a conjunction with transiting Uranus, the planet of change and unexpected surprises. The sun is our identity, and this transit has been like a major shakeup to the core of my ego and how I express myself. It’s been asking me to change something profoundly fundamental about myself.
At the same time, Neptune, the great dissolver, has been conjunct my natal moon in Pisces, asking me to get into a row boat and throw away the oars, trusting where life will take me.
As those aspects started to fade, this final south node eclipse occurred directly opposite my natal sun.
Another call for release.
Astrologers described this eclipse as the closing of a chapter.
To me, it feels more accurate to describe it as the ending of a book in the multi-volume series that is my life’s story.
Something is ending. I’m feeling the call to release.
But what is it? And what comes next? What’s the next book?
Unlike when reading an actual series, I don’t get a preview.
This is the work:
To trust the signs telling you to let go even when you don’t know where the new road will take you.
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