In astrology, each planet represents an archetype that lives within us. Following any planets through the signs of the zodiac offers an opportunity to learn more about that part of ourselves and how it shows up in different environments.
Venus is the lover and the artist.
It represents the part of us that is inclined to form unions and relationships, that seeks harmony, and beauty. It also represents money and finances, as a stand-in for our broader systems of values and worth. Venus speaks to our relationships not only with other people, but also with pleasure, abundance, wealth, beauty, money — and how those relationships change over time.
With a long summer retrograde in Leo, and as ruler over 3 of the year’s eclipses, Venus has played a dominant role in the astrology story of 2023. This has given us an opportunity to get to know the Venus aspect of ourselves.
3 Things to Know About Venus in Sagittarius
As the year comes to a close, Venus again pulls focus as it moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius (December 29 at 3:24 pm ET), where it will remain until January 23, 2024.
Just like you might show up differently in your work environment as compared to your home or when on vacation, each planet operates differently in the different signs.
As Venus enters Sagittarius, it invites us to explore the ways in which our relationships and connections can support our expansion, growth, and embrace of our authentic selves.
Here are 3 things to know about Venus’ transit through Sagittarius.
(1) From Depth to Expansion
The shift from Scorpio to Sagittarius takes us from depth to expansion.
Scorpio, ruled by Mars, is a fixed sign that’s all about going deep. Venus is said to be in its detriment in Scorpio, meaning it has to work harder to accomplish its objectives.
Venus in Scorpio encouraged us to explore our deepest desires, and the unconscious ways we may try to get our needs met by others. This transit invited us to become conscious of our unconscious dynamics around power and control, and deepen our ability to be intimate with ourselves and others.
Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. As a sign that takes us through the transition between seasons, Sagittarius encourages us to adapt and change.
Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, Sagittarius is expansive, optimistic, buoyant and celebratory. It is a place of spiritual growth, personal expansion, learning, philosophy, and travel, where we crave freedom of movement. This is where we search for meaning and truth.
Venus in Sagittarius values relationships and connections that are expansive and meaningful, that teach us something or help us grow in new ways.
(2) Growth Through Risk
Venus’ transit through Sagittarius invites us to take risks and adventures that help us access more of our authentic selves.
It might inspire us to invest our money and energy in experiences and relationships that can broaden our minds, expand our concept of ourselves, and lead us closer to our truth.
This transit reminds us of the growth that’s possible when we challenge ourselves and take new risks, when we invest in our expansion and embrace the mystery of the unknown.
This isn’t about becoming someone new; it’s about accessing a different part of yourself that might previously have been contained.
Think about what happens when you travel to a new location: the adventure shows you a new side of yourself that perhaps you hadn’t accessed before. It helps you see beyond your familiar frameworks. That experience doesn’t only change how you view yourself; it also can change how you view your relationships.
(3) Finding Freedom Through Connection
Sometimes, the idea of being in relationship can feel at odds with our notions of freedom and adventure.
Venus in Sagittarius invites us to explore how both can be true at once.
In Sagittarius, Venus wants to throw a party — and maybe take a group of people on retreat to a far away location.
During this transit we might find that we create more meaningful connections with others when we embrace our authenticity.
We might also feel called to invest in the relationships that enhance our spiritual and personal development, to become more of who we are.
Sometimes we don’t have to travel far to find adventure and freedom. During this transit, we might find freedom through connecting with others. As we listen to their stories we might hear a nugget that ignites a spark that has been dormant within us.
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