Mastering life — and being more productive — is really about mastering the art of timing. It’s about knowing what season we’re in and adapting accordingly.
There are times to move slowly, when we carefully consider each next move, when we double and triple proofread our written work, when we might sit on a text message, email, or blog post before hitting “send” or “publish.”
And there are times when when we must move with more speed: when getting something out is more important than getting every detail right.
Today, the flow of information speeds up as Mercury, the messenger and communicator, flies into its home sign of Gemini for a short transit.
Here’s what to know about Mercury in Gemini:
(1) Symbolism and Significations
Mercury: The Messenger
Mercury is the planet that rules communication (in all forms), sales, travel, learning, teaching, and the exchange of information and ideas.
It’s archetypes include the Messenger, the Saleperson, the Teacher, the Writer, and the Thinker. This archetype loves to collect and disseminate information, analyze data, come up with ideas and solutions, and share them in any and all modalities.
Mercury writes, teaches, speaks, broadcasts, and shouts from rooftops.
This role as a disseminator of information extends to travel, which is simply another way of collecting and dispersing data.
Gemini is a mutable air sign that is known for thinking, learning, diverse interests, socializing, communicating and sharing information.
In the body, Gemini corresponds to brain health and the nervous system.
Planetary Homecoming
Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, which means that it has full access to the resources it needs to do its “Mercury” things.
(2) Everything Speeds Up
Mercury in Gemini will be quick, both in duration and temperament.
It will enter Gemini on Sunday, June 11 at 6:26 am and it will be in Gemini until June 26. Contrast this with Mercury’s transit through Taurus, which took over 2 months because it went retrograde.
When Mercury transits through Gemini, everything related to communications and information flow speeds up. The pace of conversation and information flow increases, objects move quickly, and people tend to move on from one idea to another with greater speed.
Mercury in Gemini is a time to get your messages out into the world with greater speed.
If you have interest in a diverse array of topics, Mercury in Gemini is a time to give them all their moment in the spotlight. When Mercury is in Gemini, shifting from one topic to another isn’t a sign of “flightiness,” but rather a sign of a well-informed multi-faceted messenger.
This isn’t the time to linger over your message or offering in order to make it perfect. Rather, it’s a time to get it out into the world and talk about it with people so you can get real-time feedback and continue to iterate.
People with Mercury in Gemini (like me!) often talk fast and have diverse interests. If that’s you, this is a time to nurture that quality and embrace how you are. If you tend to be a fast talker, don’t let anyone tell you to slow down. This is a time for others to keep up with your pace.
(3) One Small Stumbling Block
As Mercury moves into Gemini, it will come into a square with Saturn, which is currently in Pisces.
Mercury and Saturn are opposites in many ways. Mercury is fast, and Saturn insists on slowness. Mercury travels light, and Saturn is weighed down by the heaviness of its rings.
Saturn in Pisces is like dragging lead through water, while Mercury in Gemini is like flying through air.
A square aspect, which is an aspect of tension, adds to this natural tension.
Squares often bring friction, and Mercury in a square to Saturn may feel like putting on the brakes as we’re gaining steam.
Ultimately, however, this is all happening to serve us. Mercury in Gemini can be so fast that it feels like an idea gets away from us and we struggle to catch it. Sometimes we need the friction of a square to slow us down so we can stay in the moment without getting ahead of ourselves.
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