bear witness within
get to know all parts of you
come into wholeness
Which parts of yourself do you subdue?
What pieces of you, what traits, what emotions and attitudes, do you cast aside?
What are the traits you learned to hide, because it felt unsafe or “not cool” to reveal them to others?
If you were to go digging in the far reaches of your life’s closet, what hobbies and interests would you find buried under boxes of toys and games marked as not fruitful or productive or worthwhile of your time and energy?
What pursuits are in the box labeled as being unworthy of someone of your caliber and potential? What interests are on the shelf labeled as a waste of time for someone with your talent?
Would you dare to dig them it, spend an afternoon with them, and assess for yourself whether they have value to you?
Which of the voices in your mind do you hear at the loudest volume, and which get relegated to a whisper or put on mute?
Which beliefs get a megaphone, and which get a muzzle?
Who led you to believe that certain parts of yourself are bad? Have you ever paused to investigate for yourself, to reach out to the stranger hiding in the shadows to get to know them?
Perhaps you might even form a friendship.
We live in an age where it’s easy to have a platform but can be difficult to feel heard. And yet so often we turn away from the very parts of ourselves that most need our attention.
We so desperately yearn to be heard, and we are the ones who must be doing the listening.
All parts of you want to be known.
Invite them in.
Extend your heart. Embrace yourself.
It may just be the start of a beautiful friendship.
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