Mars in Capricorn
rise exalted warrior
harness your courage
As above, so below.
I like to keep track of where the planets are. As I’ve learned more about astrology over the past few years and tracked the planetary movements in relationship to my personal life events, it’s been interesting to see the synchronicity.
That’s not to say that astrology is “responsible” for anything. I give it neither the credit for the good nor blame for the bad. Nothing just “happens.” Planets don’t make you do something anymore than any human being on earth can “make” you do something. We have agency.
But if I can learn to work with the energy of the planets, or see ahead to what challenges might arise, all the better. I can tailor my plans to work with the environment rather than feeling like I’m working against the cosmos.
Speaking of planning, that area of life is pulling focus right now. Despite the sun being in Aquarius, the party is still very much in Capricorn, the sign associated with long-term planning and goal setting.
Mercury and Venus are still here. Both recently stationed direct, meaning we are out of the phase of review and retrieval that started 2022.
And Mars is here. Mars is said to be exalted in Capricorn, which means it gets special powers here. A planet in the sign of its exaltation is said to have access to all of its resources to get the job done. And for Mars, the warrior, taking action and getting the job done is the job.
Capricorn is represented by the persistent sea goat, an animal that goes the distance in water or on land. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign. It initiates the winter season (in the Northern Hemisphere), and it’s trait of persistence speaks to the fortitude we need to get through winter.
Today Mars in Capricorn forms a trine — a supportive aspect — to Uranus, the planet of innovation. Uranus is in Taurus, a fixed earth sign that is resistant to change.
Mars trine Uranus speaks to an innovation that disrupts the current structures of our plans, not merely for the purpose of disrupting, but for the purpose of creating something even more sustainable and lasting. This is about creating new and innovative structures that will help us create something sustainable and sustaining.
I see how this plays out in my life. I recently took on new commitments that drastically reduced my screen time. Almost simultaneously I have been receiving many new opportunities that were exactly what I asked for.
To expand my capacity to handle all of it I must up-level my rituals and routines and the systems for how I work. With my sun in Taurus, I don’t always take to change with the utmost of grace. I can tend to cling to the status quo.
The planets show us where our work is.
Uranus in Taurus is here to teach me how to let go and embrace this disruption. If I resist, I’ll miss the innovation that I need to expand.
Mars in Capricorn is here to help me harness the courage I need to allow my own disruption in service to the larger vision I hold for my life and what is possible.
It’s not comfortable. Indeed it’s often scary. But I know that harnessing the courage to let go of the old is the key to moving forward into the new.
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