which person is free
one willing to relinquish
all they have attained
We live in a culture of slavery.
This slavery doesn’t always look like the slavery of physical oppression and forced labor. Although there are places in the world where that still exists.
Often, as in the case of Americans and much of the “free” world, it’s more discrete. We are our own oppressors.
We are slaves to desire and attachment.
Golden handcuffs that keep you chained to a life you don’t love.
The weight of expectations resting on your shoulders.
Both free people and slaves may work long hours. A slave works because of the fear of consequences for stopping.
Working to preserve what you have. Fear of losing what you have or not having enough.
Working to meet expectations. Fear of being rejected or exiled.
Working to prove your status or worth in a culture that values these things. Fear of being seen as lazy.
True freedom is when you’re willing to walk away from everything you have built; when you’re willing to risk it all to start again. True freedom is when you are willing to say no to others to give yourself what you need; when you are willing to defy others’ expectations to stay true to your own standards.
Are you free?
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