forgo your research
with Mercury in Pisces
trust intuition
Whether it’s tracking my streaks, closing my Apple Watch rings, preparing a property report for a real estate client, or evaluating the analytics on my blog or newsletters, I have a certain fondness and affinity for analytics and data.
I love a good spreadsheet. If I can support my position with numbers, I feel more certain and credible in my arguments.
We live in a culture that supports this narrative: we learn early on in school to back up our arguments with proof. And no proof is more credible than good old data.
As a writer and creator, it’s easy to buy into the belief that I should be doing more research or looking more closely at analytics to guide my decisions.
There may be times when that can be helpful. But it’s also possible to get into the weeds of data and miss the messages coming from other sources.
Mercury’s transit through Pisces, which begins today, reminds us that life isn’t always (or ever) linear. Messages come from a variety of sources, including — especially — from within.
Mercury is the messenger — the planet of thinking, communication. It is said to struggle in Pisces, the mutable water sign that is the ocean of emotion.
Mercury is rational; Pisces is intuitive. Mercury is data-driven; Pisces is dreamy. Mercury is direct; Pisces is flown.
In Pisces, Mercury’s messages are water-logged. Imagine your sheet of paper with your finely honed numbers getting soaked in a bath. Or a message in a bottle bobbling around the ocean waves.
This can feel frustrating if we are set on pursuing an answer. Or, we can surrender to this and learn the lesson of this transit.
I often find that my best ideas and insights come when I’m in the shower or when I’m swimming — both places where I can’t write them down because of the water factor.
This is also the vibe Mercury in Pisces.
Mercury in Pisces reminds us that sometimes the answers we seek come not from research or analytics but from intuition, or when we’re focused on something else entirely.
We can’t chase the bottle in the ocean. Mercury in Pisces demands patience from us, a willingness to remain open to receive the messages.
In this era where so many companies and creators base every decision on analytics, it can feel like a radical act to steer your ship based on intuition and feelings. That’s the invitation of Mercury in Pisces.
And the truth is that we know — in the embodied sense — more than we credit ourselves with. I don’t need my Apple Watch to tell me when I’ve moved enough for the day. That doesn’t mean I’m giving up the watch; but it does mean I can remind myself to attune to my body to tell me when my workout is over, rather than letting the numbers dictate.
Learning how to listen to and trust our intuition is a skill, which means that we can improve it with practice.
This is the season.
You have the answers you are seeking. You need only to attune within yourself to receive them.
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