We think thousands of thoughts per day. Most of them we aren’t aware of. Many are the same thoughts, on repeat.
Almost all of our thoughts are answers to questions we are asking ourselves subconsciously.
These questions may be about any topics: what options to pursue in life, what you’re grateful for, what you suck at, what needs to be fixed, what’s wrong, where you need help, what’s awesome about you, etc.
If you don’t like your thoughts — if your thoughts aren’t empowering for you — then you need to change them.
You can start by identifying the disempowering thoughts and attempt to change them that way. But that will only get you so far.
As long as you keep asking the same questions, it will be difficult to change your thoughts.
Better to identify the questions you’re asking and change the question.
This strategy also works in interactions with others.
If you don’t like the answer, change the question.
Love it? Hate it? What do you think? Don't hold back...