Venus conjunct Mars
what is your deepest desire
attract and pursue
Tomorrow the planets Venus and Mars will come together in a conjunction in the sign of Capricorn.
A conjunction is what happens with the sun and moon at a new moon. It represents the seeding of a new idea, the initiation of a new cycle.
Venus and Mars are often viewed as the archetypes of the feminine and masculine qualities that each of us possess.
Venus is the planet of beauty, love, relationships, and money. Mars is the warrior; it represents ambition and drive — our fiery courage.
Mars pursues. Venus attracts.
For most of my life I was taught the path of Mars: identify what you want and go after it. Swords out, ready to slash whatever is in your way. Drive. Conquer. Pursue your goal with single-minded focus.
This is the dominant cultural model in America, and in most of the West.
About a decade ago I learn that there was another way. I started to learn how to tap into my feminine energy, and that this, too, could be a way to achieve what I desire.
The Venus path is about attracting and receiving. It’s less forceful, more patient — but equally as powerful. It’s open to detours, recognizing that sometimes what we think we want isn’t actually the thing we truly desire. Venus wants to take the most pleasing path, to enjoy the beauty of the journey.
Which path is the better path to achieving what you desire?
The best path to achieving what we desire is to use both energies. Sometimes we need to be the driven warrior in pursuit of the prize and sometimes we need to be the receptive lover, attracting and seducing.
Knowing which energy to bring forth at any moment is the secret to achieving and receiving all that we desire.
All of us carry both the masculine and the feminine energies within us, regardless of our gender identity or sexual orientation.
As Mars and Venus meet up in the sky in a cosmic marriage, they remind us to integrate these two archetypes within ourselves, to own all of our parts and call them forth when necessary.
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