Tonight’s full moon in Gemini is the last full moon of 2022. And it’s a challenging one, illuminating where we might be feeling stuck and the anger we might be holding about that.
Full Moon Energy
The full moon is a culmination point in the moon’s cycle. It’s not a completion; it’s the peak moment before the moon begins to wane again. In the longer arc of time, each full moon relates to the new moon that occurred in the same sign approximately six months earlier.
At the full moon, the sun and moon are in opposition to each other. Full moons illuminate what has been in the dark, and pull focus to what’s been in tension for a long time that maybe we hadn’t seen or been willing to see.
Whatever is in tension may relate to the intentions you set at the new moon in this sign. The full moon can highlight what is stuck and help us see for ourselves.
Full Moon in Gemini Conjunct Mars
Today’s full moon is in the sign of Gemini, while the sun sits in Sagittarius. It calls us back to review our intentions from the new moon in Gemini, which was on May 30, 2022.
Gemini is an air sign that is about curiosity and communication. It can feel like it’s all over the place, wanting to do all the things at once.
Ruled by Mercury, the messenger planet, this full moon will invite us to express ourselves and pull focus to how we express ourselves.
This full moon is also sitting conjunct Mars. Since a full moon represents an opposition of the sun and the moon, this means the sun is also in an opposition to Mars.
Mars is the warrior planet; the planet of action and aggression. It represents our drive to action and also shows us where we get angry and feel the urge to fight.
Mars is currently in its retrograde period, when it appears from Earth to be moving backward. Mars in retrograde mirrors to us how we feel when we have ideas and drive to action but struggle to gain forward momentum and traction.
For many of us, this can trigger anger. Anger may appear in many forms: as rage or anger, or in the “softer” language of frustration, irritation, annoyance, or resentment.
Whether you call it frustration, irritation, annoyance, resentment, or something else, it’s still anger.
Get Curious About Your Anger
The full moon conjunct Mars retrograde and the sun opposing Mars invite us to illuminate and get curious about how we react when we feel stuck, what ignites our anger, and how we express our anger.
How do you act (or react) when things interfere with your ability to move forward in the way you desire?
How do you express your anger?
Do you turn your anger into yourself, or do you project it by blaming others who are in your way?
The Shadow Side
Full moons often reveal what’s in shadow — the pieces of ourselves and the emotions we suppress because we believe them to be unacceptable.
Blaming others and adopting a victim mode is a good indication that anger is present. Alternatively, when we suppress our anger, we might be overly people-pleasing to curry goodwill with others.
Release Your Anger
Anger is a toxic emotion that can cause physical pain and disease in the body. It most often shows up as inflammation, infection, redness of the skin, and skin that feels warm to the touch. Fever is the body’s way of burning off the anger.
Anger can also disrupt the nervous system, creating a constant state of fight-or-flight, locking down muscles and joints, and hindering movement.
Full moons are release points in the lunar cycle. One of the best ways to work with this full moon is by getting to know your anger and releasing it. This will help your body move with more ease and give you the forward momentum you desire.
Journaling Prompts
Here are some journaling prompts for the full moon in Gemini:
- Where do you feel stuck in moving forward?
- How do you react to that feeling of stuck-ness?
- What anger, frustration, annoyance, irritation or resentment arises when you feel like something is keeping you from moving forward?
- Where does anger, in any of its forms, show up in your body? How does it show up?
- How do you honor anger and express it in healthy ways?
- Where do you project your anger in the form of blaming others?
- Where do you internalize your anger?
Do You Need Support?
Anger is one of the most common emotions that arises with my coaching clients. If you need support in working with your anger in healthy ways, please connect with me. I’m happy to support you.
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