At a full moon, the moon and sun are in opposite signs of the zodiacal wheel. This set up illuminates polarities in our lives.
This full moon in Aries pulls focus on the polarity between Aries, where the moon is, and Libra, where the sun is.
Both of these signs are cardinal signs; they initiate new seasons.
Each sign of the zodiac represents an area of our lives — this is known in astrology as a “house.”
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and a fire sign. It represents the first house, which is all about the individual. The first 6 signs of the zodiacal wheel, from Aries through Virgo, speak to the individual’s experience.
Libra, the 7th sign, introduces relationships to the mix. More generally, Libra is a sign concerned with justice and equity — concepts that require suppressing individual needs for the collective good.
This balance between the individual and the collective is one of the central themes of this full moon:
- How do we balance our individual needs against the collective need?
- How can we have individual liberty and independence without infringing on collective freedoms?
On a personal level:
- How can I find freedom and independence within a committed partnership or relationship (whether business or personal)?
- How can I bring all of myself to my committed partnerships while also leaving space for the other person to bring all of themselves?
As a fire sign, Aries can be impulsive. Libra, an air sign, can be more cerebral. It’s desire for equality and justice leads it to weigh every decision, often leading to indecisiveness.
This can illuminate for us where we tend to act impulsively and where we tend to get locked up in indecision.
The point of looking at these places is not to be in judgment of ourselves, but to gather information and determine how we can mediate the polarities.
The full moon in Aries asks us to find the sacred third, the hallowed middle ground that allows for a “both/and” approach?
What kind of relationship do we have if we feel like we must subdue our needs to be in that relationship?
At the same time, what kind of relationship do we have if we don’t acknowledge and honor what the other person needs?
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