Everyone has a story they tell about their lives. What’s yours?
Maybe the story you tell about yourself is one that has been told to you for as long as you can remember. It’s the story you absorbed and that you keep repeating.
The story informs how you think about yourself: your strengths, your desires, your weaknesses, your triggers.
It influences your decisions and directions, and how you show up in the world.
How often do you question this story?
We can get so hooked into the stories we tell about ourselves that we fail to question them — even in the face of evidence to the contrary.
Your story may be rooted in facts, but facts do not make the story true.
What if the story you’ve been telling is false?
An even better question to ask about the story you tell:
Does it serve you?
Even if you believe it to be true, if the story you tell doesn’t serve you, then it’s time to tell a new story.
You cannot change the facts of your life, but you can take those facts and tell a different story, one that serves you and empowers you.
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