Living in the past isn’t productive. Constantly beating yourself up for past mistakes doesn’t serve any constructive purpose and is only likely to wear you down and breed self-doubt and self-mistrust. These states of being are energetically expensive.
When you don’t trust yourself, you become indecisive and revisit decisions. This has a cognitive cost.
When you don’t trust yourself you’re less likely to trust others, so you don’t let others in. This creates loneliness and isolation, which create emotional costs.
It also may lead you to take on more work, because if you don’t trust people, you won’t delegate. So you’re physically exhausted, a physical body cost.
All that work and isolation and the overwhelm can create disconnection from your purpose, leading to burnout. This is a spiritual cost.
We need to reclaim our energy from the patterns that have left us feeling futile, small, and alone.
Self-doubt is a secret saboteur that can fuel distraction, procrastination, and overwork.
Cultivating self-trust is essential to reclaiming your time, attention, focus, and energy. There’s no app for it; it’s an inside game.
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