This is not my usual type of blog post. It’s an experiment with some new types of expression. After sharing it in a private creative community to much support, I decided to give it a broader audience. It feels weird to share something that doesn’t offer a clear lesson. I hope you take something from it, even if it’s simply the inspiration to try your own creative experiments.
The Party
The planets are having a party
in Aquarius.
My 5th house of
creative expression
erotic energy
The Sun is there Jupiter and Saturn
Mercury (in retrograde)
and the Moon joins today.
All gathering for abundance
and blessings.
Venus and Jupiter conjunct
with the arrival of the new moon.
The planets of
love and wisdom
union and blessing.
An initiation for my
creative expression.
I yearn to join the party
To create without reservation.
What would it feel like
to belong
to my creative process?
It might feel like words
that flow
without caring about
imaginary meanings
in other people’s minds.
The freedom
of being vulnerable
without fear of being
It might feel like
the ability to breathe
with ease
instead of choking
on words
that wish to emerge.
What will it take
for me to champion
my own creative
To feel the same
comfort in joy
that I feel in fear?
I burn with desire
to skip among the poppies
to frolic with the fairies
to twirl paint ribbons
and make silly messes.
I hear the music
the sounds of laughter
in my house of
creative expression.
The planets are having a party
and I long to join them.
Love it? Hate it? What do you think? Don't hold back...