Tomorrow is the new moon and a solar eclipse in the sign of Gemini, which is ruled by Mercury. In addition to the conjunction of the moon and sun, Mercury will also conjunct the sun.
Conjunctions herald new beginnings.
This conjunction of the luminaries with Mercury, the Messenger, in its own sign of curiosities, conversations, and communication can bring an influx of information.
Mercury is also retrograde, which means that from the perspective of Earth it appears to be going backward. This pattern is an invitation to slow down and review how we’ve been communicating and the information we are receiving.
Complicating matters, Mercury is in a square to Neptune, a relationship that can feel dreamy, foggy, or overwhelming.
As we stand at this portal of new beginnings, the path forward might seem unclear.
Sometimes we can receive too much information, and not all information is relevant, or even true.
This is an invitation to slow down, attune to our inner voice, and exercise patience.
The murkiness may be uncomfortable, but that’s it’s gift.
Fog is dense, but it is air. We cannot “push through” it. That old paradigm no longer works. This moment is an invitation to forge a new path forward.
The muscle to build here is the muscle of surrender.
Eclipses reveal what is usually hidden in shadow; they give us greater access to our intuition. If we go within, we can receive guidance on our next steps.
When I experience a fog, I know the message is for me to get out of my mind and into my heart and my soul.
Messages arrive in a myriad of ways beyond thoughts. This new beginning for the Messenger reminds us to listen with all of our senses.
The dense fog asks us to trust what we can’t see, but what we perceive and know through our other senses. We must trust that the ground is solid, even if we can’t see it.
This calls for getting low to the ground, rooting.
Feeling the way.
Surrender to what comes and trust that this eclipse will set you up for where you need to be heading.
Allow yourself to be shown the way.

When fog clouds your thoughts
Surrender. Exit your mind.
Root down through your soul
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