Tonight’s full moon in Capricorn invites us to check in with our long-term goals and our visions for what we’re building.
Capricorn is the sign of long-term goals and achievements. It is the sign associated with the 10th house of public roles and career, what we build over the long arc of time.
Ruled by Saturn, the God of time and patience, Capricorn reminds us that long-term achievement is based on what we do day after day after day.
Saturn and Capricorn are about structures, rules, and roots.
Saturn is the taskmaster and Capricorn is a sign that teaches us to put in the hard work. It makes use of Saturn’s rules and structure to methodically build its vision one step at a time.
Capricorn asks: what are you committed to, and what do you have to do on a daily basis to meet that commitment?
What are the structures and systems you need to support your work? What are the building blocks that will give you the foundation on which your vision can rest?
The full moon is a culmination, a peak. It’s an opportunity to look back at what we initiated 6 months ago — at the new moon in Capricorn — to see how far we’ve come. But it’s not necessarily about looking for “progress.”
Progress does not always show itself in the span of a couple of months, or even after six months. This is about the long game. Sometimes situations appear to look worse before they look better. When we get caught up in looking for “progress” too soon we miss out on the real progress.
The full moon illuminates what we can’t always see. Maybe the progress is manifesting in how we show up, how we handle adversity, or in our consistency of effort. What is the progress that we are missing because we aren’t looking in the right place?
This is not an overnight thing; it’s not a sprint.
Nature doesn’t sprint. Nature is patient and persistent. Capricorn, symbolized by the Sea Goat, embodies these qualities.
Capricorn says:
You want results? Follow the path. Show up daily. Do the do, day in and day out. Be patient. Trust the process.
This is summer energy: it’s the daily do, the daily maintenance. Some may call it the daily grind, but it’s not a grind; it’s a daily act of love.
Summer energy is the mother, the lover, the nurturer. This is the quality we are looking for in how we show up for our daily practice.
The full moon in Capricorn invites us to ask:
What are the building blocks of my vision, of what I desire to create?
What is one thing, that if I did this daily, if I nurtured it consistently day after day over the long term, even if just for the most minimal amount of time and with minimal effort, it would make an impact on my life and others lives over the long arc of time?
Once we identify that thing, we need to show up daily and do it, with love, persistence, and patience.

Nature does not sprint
Strength in patience is her game
Trust in the process
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