In my professional life I hold space for clients as they navigate the biggest and most important decisions they make in their lives. These decisions are big because there is often a lot at stake — financially, emotionally, relationally.
Whether it’s a million-dollar real estate purchase or “should I attend this seminar” or a more simple scheduling matter, there is one mistake that is common across the board:
Too many inputs.
Inputs may be data or opinions from friends, family, colleagues, other advisors, some guy you sat next to on the train, experts on the internet.
There are innumerable sources of information and opinions.
It’s almost guaranteed that the more inputs you have, the more you obfuscate what really matters.
We all do this to varying degrees. Perhaps, in part, because we were trained early on to look to experts for the “right” answer.
What really matters is what you want, and what your values are. That’s what guides our best decisions.
Clients often ask me, “what should I do?”
I remind them that my job is to hold space for them and reflect the values and desires they express.
I help them clear the noise so they can reattune to the signal within.
It’s also what my trusted advisors do for me.
While there may be times when it’s appropriate for an expert to guide a client in a particular direction, it must always be with an eye to what the client truly wants and what is aligned with the clients’ stated values.
When it comes to what really matters in your life, you can’t outsource your agency. Instead of seeking more data and opinions, get quiet and listen to the voice within.

Too much outside noise
Drowns the signal from within
Attune to yourself
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