We are conditioned to believe that “negative” emotions — anger, anxiety, confusion, despair, loneliness, hopelessness, resentment, depression, overwhelm — are “bad.”
We receive constant messaging that tells we should feel happiness or joy. And we hear a lot about the importance of having a “positive mindset” or “high vibration.”
As a result of this messaging, we often try to push away the “negative” emotions.
We don’t get to choose our emotions. But we do get to choose how we relate to them.
Emotions arrive in the body like waves from the ocean. Each is a part of us.
Push some away and you push them all away. You push yourself away.
And when we push parts of ourselves away, we sever our belonging.
One of my favorite tools to use when I’m visited by strong emotions is a mantra I learned from meditation teacher Tara Brach:
This belongs here.
It reminds me to say yes to what has arrived, to welcome it all.
Each emotion a part of me. By welcoming them all, I welcome all parts of myself.
When this belongs, I belong.

say yes to what’s here
welcome in all emotions
everything belongs
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