It was one of those moments when something I had understood cognitively turned into a deeper embodied knowing.
Doubled over with intense cramps on the first day of my cycle, listening to the pain, I received what can only be described as “womb wisdom.”
Pain is a messenger, and the message was clear:
Look at how the body releases what it doesn’t need. Without attachment and without a story.
It does this in both subtle and obvious ways: through excretion, shedding skin and hair, sweating out toxins, or the way a fever will burn out an infection.
A woman’s monthly cycle is one of the most profound ways the body releases what no longer serves it. It does so without a story. It’s not asking “what if I need this eventually?” It’s not making judgments about what it means. Any story attached to the process comes from the mind.
The body simply lets go.
Which, of course. The body is a part of nature, and this is how nature operates. This is the prime season for its display.
Yesterday was the start of Scorpio season. Astrologer Chani Nicholas explains:
Scorpio knows that decay is just as important as growth in nature’s great cycles. Without decomposition, our systems get polluted. Loss is inevitable and part of what makes existing in the material realm so poignant: nothing is promised us, and nothing is forever.
My womb wisdom directed me to appreciate this supremely intelligent body wisdom. Not only does the body eliminate what it no longer needs, but also its monthly cycle of shedding reminds a woman to trust.
Just because you don’t need that womb lining now doesn’t mean you never will. Nature operates in cycles. Destruction is followed by creation. Your body will build it again. Not — as so exclaimed in our masculine culture — bigger and better, but simply again. Everything comes around in time. Nature moves in cycles.
You’ll have what you need when you need it.
Anyone who trusts nature doesn’t worry about what is lost or destroyed by letting go because they know that this is just one moment in the cycle. The clearing out makes room for what is to come.
Let go without attachment. Trust the process. Everything comes around in time.
Listen to the body. It knows.
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