The full moon peaked overnight last night, arriving in the sign of Pisces, a water sign known for intuition, empathy, and expressive emotions.
Full moons offer us an opportunity to illuminate what we can release; what stories, beliefs, habits, ways of living and working no longer serve us.
Full Moon Insight
This piece from astrologer Chani Nicholas’ Full Moon horoscope particularly resonated with me (click the link for her full write-up and horoscopes specific to your sign):
… [this] Full Moon comes in like a flood. Overwhelm is common under these conditions but so too is the inspiration that finds us when we remember we are part of a vast network of changemakers.
This lunation reminds us that when the levees break it’s time to rethink how we’ve constructed our lives.
Pisces knows the power of restful roaming, even amidst all the unrest. The imagination must have places where it can be free to visualize new worlds to grow into. Systems of suppression want us to forgo rest, reject reflection, and refuse our systems’ need for balance. Rest restores our ability to think, feel, and know ourselves. Rest brings answers.
Incorporating Rest Into My Daily Practices
Everything happening this year has been an invitation to reconsider the structures that have been controlling our lives, including outdated rules that tell us we don’t deserve rest until the work is done, that want us to believe in the binary of work vs rest.
In my experiments creating daily streaks, part of my testing is around rest. Specifically, how to incorporate rest into a schedule that demands daily action. How to do and be at the same time. How do we make rest a part of the work, not an alternative to it.
September is always a “busy” time, a time when everyone seems to ramp up the energy. As much it may feel like I can’t afford to ease off the gas, I typically find myself doing just that in these waning days of summer.
My body and mind seem to crave recalibration at this time, a path to return home to my natural rhythms. I know that my work and my presence will be better off when I surrender to this craving.
I’ve come to appreciate the new moon and full moon as bonus times to honor this need slow down and rest. On these mini holidays, I try to create extra space in my schedule to drop in and reflect, journal, and see the bigger picture.
Inquiries for the Full Moon in Pisces
The full moon is particularly potent for letting go, and in Pisces the relevant topic is the realm of emotions.
Some inquiries I am sitting with this week for the full moon:
- What emotions am I holding that are ready to be released?
- What ideas, beliefs, and mindsets am I holding that are no longer serving me?
- Where am I overscheduled or overcommitted, and what can I release to create more space for what matters most to me?
- What dreams have I been neglecting?
- Where can I create more space in my body, mind, heart, and in my daily schedule?
When I keep myself out of overwhelm and allow for a stronger foundation of rest to support me, I know I am unstoppable.
There is always time for rest.
Happy Full Moon 🌕
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