If you had more time to do the things you love, what would you do?
This is one of my favorite questions to ask people. In thousands of conversations over the years, I’ve never met a person who didn’t have at least one thing they would do if only they had “more time” or if they could “find the time.”
Here’s a secret: you don’t need more time. Also, you’ll never “find” the time. It’s not hidden away.
Helping people create space in their lives for these things that they would love to do is a big part of my work.
Creating space is about freeing up the time and energy.
If you think you don’t have “enough time,” I invite you to consider:
How much time do you spend second guessing, judging yourself, beating yourself up, doubting yourself, criticizing yourself, then reacting to and recovering from the effects of those doubts, judgments, self-beatings, and criticisms?
How much time do you spend complaining about, judging, or criticizing others?
Now consider that these activities don’t just take time; they also consume energy. They are exhausting.
Especially when it comes to decisions, which are draining enough the first time. Each time we second-guess ourselves, we resurrect the options we already cut off. Then we repeat an already-draining process.
I think about how much time and energy I’ve spent over the years on channeling my inner critic and beating myself up, then licking my wounds and rebuilding my confidence after each self-attack.
Cultivating self-love, self-compassion, and self-trust is not just a “nice thing to do” when you “have time” for them.
How much time and energy could you free up if you trusted yourself?
How much time and energy could you free up if you didn’t second-guess yourself?
What could you do with that time and energy?
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