Eight years ago, I woke up after falling and hitting my head in the middle of the night. Here’s the most important lesson I learned that morning.
Where to Find Modern Miracles
It might seem that miracles are a relic of ancient times, but that’s only because we forget where to look for miracles.
Every Day is a Miracle
Miracles aren’t just things that happened a long time ago. They happen around us every day.
The Supply Chain Miracle
How Chanukah can reframe our perspective on supply chain issues.
Find the Magic in the Mundane
In our pursuit of the extraordinary we often miss the ordinary. And the ordinary is where the magic happens.
How to Manifest a Miracle
Miracles don’t just “happen.” We co-create them.
Why You Should Care About The Fall Harvest Festival of Sukkot
The Jewish holiday of Sukkot gets little attention, but it’s meaning is perhaps the most universal of all the holidays.