A lot of stress comes from the illusion that life is linear, not cyclical. Understanding the energy of the seasons is a productivity game changer that will help you do the right things at the right time.
5 Essential Elements of Libra
Understanding the quality of the autumn season and the elements of Libra lays the foundation for a deeper understanding of the Libra archetype and how to work with it. Here are 5 essential aspects to know.
Autumn Equinox: 3 Areas to Release What No Longer Serves You
Autumn equinox begins a season of release. Here are 3 areas to consider when you think about what you are releasing.
A Prescription for Autumn: How to Navigate the Season of Change
A Prescription for Autumn: how to navigate the season of change.
Autumn Equinox
A haiku for the autumn equinox.
Savor September’s Summer
September’s summer days are fleeting and far between, which teaches us how to savor them and life itself.
3 Practical Rituals to Celebrate Samhain
Samhain, the Celtic new year, offers a perfect opportunity for a fresh start. Practical rituals to guide you through the change in season.