The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction invites you to challenge the status quo, disrupt yourself, and uproot your stability in order to liberate yourself from constraints that are holding you back.
We live in a culture that worships at the altars of innovation, progress, and growth; a culture in which “freedom” often is listed among our highest values. But when it comes time to live those values, it’s often a different story.
These ideals live in tension with the status quo: what is comfortable, predictable, and apparently safe.
Innovation, progress, and growth require change. And change is disruptive, dysregulating, and often discordant.
It’s easier and far more comfortable to maintain the status quo. But there comes a point when that status quo can no longer hold, when comfort becomes complacency. At those moments, we must embrace our inner rebels, break the rules, stage a revolution, and liberate ourselves from how things have been in order to step into how they can be.
That moment comes today, as the planets Jupiter and Uranus meet up in a conjunction, which means they will appear to be in the same place in the sky from our perspective on Earth.
Jupiter and Uranus connect only once every 14 years, and with this meet up happening in the fixed-earth sign of Taurus, it’s no exaggeration to call it potentially earth-shattering.
Here’s a brief primer on this rare meet-up and the energy it brings.
The Players: Jupiter and Uranus
Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system, named for the Roman god of the sky. Known as The Great Benefic, it is associated with expansion, growth, abundance, wisdom, faith, and blessings. It magnifies what it comes into contact with.
Uranus, as the first planet discovered with the telescope, sits beyond what we can see with the naked eye. It’s discovery challenged conventional norms and established ways of thinking about the solar system and the universe.
The planet itself stands out from the others: Uranus is tilted so far on its axis — 97.7-degrees — that it practically orbits on its side.
This gives it its associations as the planet of innovation, revolution, and eccentricity.
Uranus is the rebel: it breaks the rules, challenges the established norms, and disrupts the stats quo. Erratic, unpredictable, and prone to shock us, Uranus is named after the god of lightning.
Uranus often brings unpredictable or sudden changes that can feel destabilizing, but it’s always in service of our individual and collective liberation.
The Setting: Taurus
Although Jupiter and Uranus meet up approximately every 14 years, it’s not always in the same sign. The last time these planets connected in Taurus was 1941.
Taurus is the first fixed sign of the zodiac. Taurus represents what we value and our basic comforts of life, including currency, money, shelter, the body, food, and material goods.
As a fixed sign, it anchors a season. And as an earth sign, it is the most fixed of the fixed signs. Uranus’ transit through this sign, and this Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, therefore carry a theme of uprooting that which has been stable, fixed, and dependable.
On a collective level, Uranus in Taurus has already manifested in themes such as decentralized currency (aka Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency), a shift in our understanding of how money works, and our approaches to money.
Expanding Disruption
Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions throughout history have been associated with major innovations, discoveries, and distinctive periods of growth and expansion with a sense of optimism.
They often initiate times of major scientific breakthroughs, such as the 1969 moon landing.
On the positive side, this conjunction can bring excitement, a sense of adventure, unexpected opportunities, and a feeling of unrestrained optimism.
On the other hand, we want to watch for disregard of authority without purpose, acting out without considering the consequences, and a lack of willingness to compromise.
3 Ways to Work With the Energy of the Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction
Here are three ways to work with the energy of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunciton on a personal level.
(1) Embrace Your Inner Rebel
On a personal level, the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction invites us to bring forth our rebellious spirit.
The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is an opportunity to free yourself from some of the constraints that are keeping you stuck.
Jupiter can be very encouraging here, but the nature of Taurus is to be slow and conservative. Taurus is a sign of practicality, and sometimes we need a little realism about the plan for what happens after we overthrow existing structure.
We want to avoid disruption for the sake of disruption.
That said, sometimes we just need to overthrow the structure and figure out the plan as you go.
(2) Challenge Your Beliefs and Embrace Your Eccentricity
The energy of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction can encourage us to reexamine our beliefs and our values.
This introspection can help us see where we are being performative in an effort to fit in or find belonging and safety.
To paraphrase astrologer Diana Rose Harper’s explanation offered on The Astrology Podcast,
a shift to your own beliefs that feel truer to yourself can actually bring a sense of stabilization, because you’re not trying to fake a set of beliefs to fit in.
(3) Take a Leap of Faith
Jupiter is the planet of faith and luck, but we have to put in some work first.
As astrologer April Kent explains,
Jupiter can amplify and bring good luck to whatever it touches. — mostly the kind of luck that comes from maintaining good cheer, optimism, and the willingness to take a risk.
Uranus encourages us to take a risk and break free of the status quo.
Astrologer Steven Forrest’s insight was that Jupiter will bring all kinds of good fortune, if only we’re willing to make the changes that Uranus demands.
The Revolution Begins in Your Mind
The first revolution is when you change your mind about how you look at things and see that there might be another way to look at it that you have not been shown. — Homeland opening credits
If you’ve been feeling stuck, or suffocating under the status quo in any part of your life, this transit supports you in creating the revolution you are seeking.
Take a risk, make a leap of faith, and embrace an innovative approach that will liberate you from the constraints that are holding you back.
The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is already in itself a change of energy
Emphasizing themes of – Freedom – Liberation – Innovation – Sudden and Unexpected rapid growth
Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions keywords
- technological breakthroughs
- Scientific discovery
- Period of rapid progress in different areas of things – Jupiter is the planet of growth and Uranus is the planet of sudden changes
– Uranus brings us into various kinds of revolution, rupture, unexpected shifts, it can feel very sudden, but sometimes it’s just a sudden outgrowth of some thing that has been transpiring for a while, but the actual eruption can come either sooner than expected or in a way that was not expected. Combined with Jupiter, it can intensify those eruptions, but also it can make them more stable and more positive.
Positive side
Have you been feeling stuck? Well, here’s your chance to get unstuck, and to move in a positive new direction. The day before the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, both of them receive sextile aspects from Mars (April 19, 2024, 8:28 am and 4:56 pm PDT, respectively). This conjunction brings exciting possibilities, but these sextiles from Mars remind us that we’ll get even more from it if we put forth a little effort. Accept invitations, say “yes” to offers you’d normally decline, and since Mars is in Pisces, listen to your intuition.
The conjunction of buoyant Jupiter and exciting Uranus only comes along every fourteen years. Don’t let it pass you by! Under these exceptional conditions, the only wrong thing to do is nothing.
[…] Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on April 20 was hyped as one of those Big Moments. Maybe something big happened around that day. But maybe not. […]